
Reptilians (of UFO fame) may be the dragon answer.
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Author:  Elohim Dragon [ Tue Sep 21, 2010 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Reptilians (of UFO fame) may be the dragon answer.

Speaking of Dragons from Space

Our Creators from space look reptilian. They are known as the Elohim in the bible. Its actually a plural form of the word Eloha meaning "those who came from the sky." They are scientifically advanced and have solved the problems of crime and disease on their home planet. Their planet has about 11 billion inhabitants. All the Angels and Archangels are also known as Elohim.

While we have only 2 strands of DNA operating, our forefathers from space have all 12 strands of DNA working. More info about it at the link below:


By the way, an amazing book about dragons living inside a star is called "Star Dragon" by Mike Brotherton

Author:  vampirehunter42 [ Tue Sep 21, 2010 4:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Well there is a "dragon" in space

That is just more "Chariots of the Gods" with a lot of cherry picking and "enhancing" the evidence.

Author:  Elohim Dragon [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 4:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Well there is a "dragon" in space

Its actually our Creators from the bible in that video. In countless ancient artwork we see spacecraft from Egypt to cave dwellings. My only point is Dragons and descendants of Dinosaurs are not all wild and uncivilized.

Reptilians are actually completing their evolutionary journey according to the Pleiadian Archangelic Tribes of the Light. Many Dragons are spacefaring and I believe some Dinosaurs evolved and formed highly advanced cities within our planet.

We humans are just getting up to full throttle and still have much more to learn compared to the reptilian Elohim and Pleiadian beings.

Author:  Corva [ Tue Sep 28, 2010 1:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Well there is a "dragon" in space

I find Draconic-Chroniclers view more logical - that the Dragons are the same as the Seraphim (winged, flaming serpents).

Author:  vampirehunter42 [ Tue Sep 28, 2010 5:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Well there is a "dragon" in space

Sigh, you people know nothing. The images you think you are seeing there are implanted memories from Lord Zenu into the Thetans trapped on Earth.

Hey, just as logical as the other posts.

Author:  kroatone [ Tue Sep 28, 2010 11:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Well there is a "dragon" in space

well said vamp.

Author:  Marik [ Wed Sep 29, 2010 9:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Well there is a "dragon" in space

I have to say I'm Vamp and Kroatone on this one. UFO religions in general do not hold much water I feel.

Author:  Drakel [ Wed Sep 29, 2010 9:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Well there is a "dragon" in space

then it's agreed!?

Author:  Elohim Dragon [ Thu Sep 30, 2010 1:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Well there is a "dragon" in space

Personally, I'm not into religion. There's evidence of people from the sky in scriptures, artwork, oral traditions - even memories within us in our "cellular memory" I believe. I'm into science and truth which leads us once again to the probability that there's intelligent life outside of this little rock.

Author:  Marik [ Thu Sep 30, 2010 2:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Well there is a "dragon" in space


Author:  Elohim Dragon [ Thu Sep 30, 2010 2:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Well there is a "dragon" in space

Hehe nice picture. Is that the current pope or something? Check this out: "Though a handful of priests and nuns protested Hitler's atrocities - and suffered for it - the Vatican as well as the Catholic Church and its army of clergy gave either active or tacit support to the Nazi tyranny." - from Revelation Climax.

I'm a recovering Catholic. I'd rather spend time being a shapeshifting dragon, travel the multiverse, bi-locate and disappear (still working on that one =), and use science to understand quantum mechanics and adamantine particles. My summoned co-magician dragon has done more for me than the pope ever will.

By the way, I'm not one of those guys who's intimidated by people with lots of posts. So scoffing all at the things new people say is only showing us new dragons who's the real and the fake.

Author:  Marik [ Thu Sep 30, 2010 3:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Well there is a "dragon" in space

Is that the current pope or something?

Surely its not beyond you to research that?

Though a handful of priests and nuns protested Hitler's atrocities - and suffered for it - the Vatican as well as the Catholic Church and its army of clergy gave either active or tacit support to the Nazi tyranny

Umm... So? I don't see the relevance to the thread. Unless you are assuming I'm a catholic (which I'm not) because I posted a funny picture of the pope (which a catholic wouldn't). The Pope was also in the Hitler Youth, as was almost every other child in germany at the time. Are they all horrific people? Or possibly, was the rhetoric and politics of the leader enough to draw the wool over many people's (including the clergy) eyes?

I'm a recovering Catholic

I find that offensive. Catholicism is not a disease, and I know a few catholics who function perfectly well without having to recover.

I'd rather spend time being a shapeshifting dragon, travel the multiverse, bi-locate and disappear (still working on that one =), and use science to understand quantum mechanics and adamantine particles. My summoned co-magician dragon has done more for me than the pope ever will.

Oh Please. And please don't tell me you buy into this whole 'the pope is evil' ignorance? I don't respect his right to be infallible but he has probably done more good than you ever will, troll.

By the way, I'm not one of those guys who's intimidated by people with lots of posts.

Good, I'm glad, post count is not a status in and of itself. However unless you have read every one of another user's posts and found that the other forum members have scorned their every idea, you have to accept that long term members' posts will probably hold more weight than the new-guy who will campaign for his website for a few weeks and then never be seen again. Case in point: Reuben the Dragonlord. And if you think I have a high post count, you obviously haven't been paying attention anyway.

So scoffing all at the things new people say is only showing us new dragons who's the real and the fake.

Really? You genuinely think you are the first person to try and post evidence of 'real' dragons on here? Also how can you show my claims to be a dragon to be wrong if I have never made such claims?

And to answer the previous post, which I admit to responding a little childishly to. Yes, I believe (99.99% sure in fact) that there is extraterrestrial life. However, I also think that the odds of them developing the tech required and coming here in the short space of time (on a universal timescale) that our planet has been here are astronomically long.

On a brighter note, congratulations you are the first person to draw me out of 'lurker-mode' for a while my friend. And the first paragraph of your post should have invoked Goodwin's Law but I let it slide as I thought I'd give reasoned reply instead of screaming "TROLL!" and running away.

Author:  vampirehunter42 [ Fri Oct 01, 2010 1:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Well there is a "dragon" in space


Try to stay away from religious discussion.

There is no "evidence" of what you speak. I understand everyone is due their own opinion. But remember we have the right to say that is bunk. The Earth is not the center of the universe, the Earth is not hollow, the world will not end in Dec of 2012 and so on. It is just yet another conspiracy theory with only the few items that help their opinion sound right. We humans build the things from the past. We humans have worked out the technology we use. We humans are a lot more powerful than you think. We have been able to come up with the many and wonderful things that may or may not be real.

And on the other off note.
Remember there were Germans and then there were Nazis. Not all of Germany believed in the views of Hitler. Even among his generals there was decent. Rommel fought for Germany, he even was in the plot to kill Hitler. So don't call all Germans Nazis.

I think I will pull this to its own thread.

Haha, worked.

Author:  Marik [ Fri Oct 01, 2010 9:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Reptilians (of UFO fame) may be the dragon answer.

I apologise for that post, Vamp. I let my typing get away from me a little there.

Author:  vampirehunter42 [ Fri Oct 01, 2010 9:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Reptilians (of UFO fame) may be the dragon answer.

No worries. My fingers have typed more than they ought to many times.

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