
Tempest's Artworks #015, #016, #017
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Author:  Tempest [ Sun Sep 28, 2008 11:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Tempest's Artworks #015, #016, #017

I haven't posted art since... well a long time, so here a new batch.



This is Drakkel, it is supposed to be a male, but I'm not sure anymore. Posterity will decide.

Technical details:
This drawing was to see if I didn't totally lost my touch after two years and half of not drawing anything. Done with an automatic pencil 0.3mm. I didn't know where the pic was going even toward the end; the position of the leg and hand changed several times but the pic turned out better than expected. Shading was a pain as the paper of my new sketchbook is a bit textured. It's not a problem when drawing, but it doesn't give a smooth shading; I ended up using a q-tip to uniformize it. For someone used to draw on photocopier paper, this was a bit unexpected, so I opted to not shade the whole thing and wait until I can experiment a bit more with this kind of paper.



This is Nova the half-dragon. It's one my likable NPC I used in an old ad&d game of the Council of Wyrms. He is a young, cute, humble half-silver dragon who tends to go along well with other underdogs like himself. The drawing displays him with fancy clothes but usually he wears such things only when he had to meet important people or when he manages to put his hands on such thing. Normally, he wears clothes that are much more simple (and this is a polite understatement).

The quick summary of his story:
Nova looks like a miniature human-shaped dragon but he is not a true dragon; his father was a full fledged-dragon and his mother was an elf messenger. Dragons usually don't dalliance with humanoids as the product of such unions is generally frowned upon. But his father didn't mind too much about these rules and he was even a bit proud of him... Until his mother got another kid; a half-blue dragon she named Lina. You should note that in that setting messengers travel vast distances over long period of time, and the silver dragon wasn't exactly the good and ever present supporting husband (dragons are quite independent during their childhood years while humanoids usually need a lot more care). So it kinda terminated the relationship between the two but the dragon was worried about his genetic lineage so he took both children (who were teenagers at that time) to the Northern wasteland and left them there on their own demise. Lina didn't had the same resistance to cold as Nova and died there while Nova was capture by frost giants. He would have been killed but he got "rescued" by a group of dragons who had a score to settle with the giants (any kind of help was more than welcome). So to make a long story short, after the battle the dragons took the slaves wherever they wanted but Nova decided to stick around for some times.

Technical details:
Done with a mechanical pencil 0.3mm.



This is Drakia. I'm not sure if people will like her story but at any rate. In this setting magical creatures sometimes fetch a good price since non-magical creatures (such as humans) cannot see the magical patterns of a spell; only its effect. This is where a magical creature comes handy as they can guide the wizard through the process of spell making. Thus creating a spell take less time to research, the components are more common and so on. It's like seeking the answers by yourself vs having someone guiding you in the process; the former may take more time but the later tend doesn't develop the same autonomy and creativity. Depending of the type of creature, they can also act as steward, bodyguard and can perform many tasks of various complexities once properly tamed (it isn't as bad as it sounds as their standard of living is well above most people and you can't piss them off too much without compromising their cooperation).

On her story: she was raised by her two loving parents. She is lithe, athletic and rely on her speed and agility when challenged. She is also slightly chaotic due to her young age. Her species is usually very curious and inquisitive and tend to have a trust-your-first-choice mentality. She would have evolved normally within her society but one day when she was 28 (human equivalent of 14 years old), she was playing by herself and was lured with treats and false promises by human travelers/"treasure hunters". They brought her to a large city (mostly inhabited by humans) and was sold to a wizard with a paladin-like mentality who thought that his world views were so great that it would even transcend species. That last part didn't go too well but she learned many different aspects of magic and came into contact with various wizards and books. However, after a time curiosity was no longer there and she was becoming tired of the noisy and relatively high density of the city so since the wizard had loosen up her "leash" relatively quickly, she managed to escape. At that time, she was 32 (equivalent of 16 year old) and mature enough to prefer discovering the world around her instead of just rushing back to her parents.

Technical details:
Done with 0.3mm, 0.5mm and 0.7mm mechanical pencils. There is plenty of Photoshop opportunity: casting spells from her extended hand, to some lighting effects from the staff and such.

And with this said, that's all for now.

Author:  Falconer [ Tue Sep 30, 2008 5:16 pm ]
Post subject: 




Tempest, those are awesome. I wish I could draw like that.
And no, I'm not sucking up, I really do like them.

Author:  Blue Tiger [ Sun Oct 05, 2008 12:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

Those are great, Tempest! I really should upload some more, havent put any up for so long. Also, I love the characters of them, ive been meaning to make up some dragon characters for a while...

Author:  Dragon444 [ Mon Oct 06, 2008 2:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

I don't mean to be rude, but I prefer elven characters over draconic. Although, I am one of the biggest "DracoPhiles" in my hometown (Possibly the only one).

Aside from that, the artwork is great.

Author:  Jishdefish [ Fri Oct 10, 2008 7:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Cool, really cool. I have kinda grown out of the wanna-be-a-half-dragon phase, but I still appreciate them. Great artwork. It makes me wish I could draw a straight line. :roll:

Author:  Jake [ Mon Oct 13, 2008 10:48 am ]
Post subject: 

Looking good, keem 'em up!

Author:  Corva [ Fri Oct 17, 2008 4:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

I am one of the biggest "DracoPhiles" in my hometown (Possibly the only one).
**raises an eyebrow**

Author:  Dragon444 [ Sun Oct 19, 2008 5:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

DragonRider wrote:
I am one of the biggest "DracoPhiles" in my hometown (Possibly the only one).
**raises an eyebrow**

Very long story, so please don't make me repeat it. Much obliged.

Author:  ghij016 [ Tue Mar 24, 2009 9:13 pm ]
Post subject: 


Author:  Falconer [ Tue Mar 24, 2009 9:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tempest's Artworks #015, #016, #017

wow, Tempest, even the spambots like your work.

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