
EXX's Tavern
Page 43 of 59

Author:  Drakel [ Sat Jan 02, 2010 7:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Azrivel stopped and was about to reply until he got cut off by Stella. Azrivel was only thinking of the laws of dragons and knew he can't let another dragon die without at least helping. The laws were more important than anything to Azrivel. If it wasn't for the laws thousands of dragons would be dying off of chaotic ways. Some dragons might not follow all the laws perfectly but they must at least try to follow them. That might be the reason Azrivel tried but he also did not really care on losing his life. He is always in danger yet he seems not to care much about it. Azrivel never took dying seriously yet he takes killing an innocent harshly for Azrivel only killed in last resort.

Azrivel continued to wake to Ex and Dalia.

Author:  raptor [ Sat Jan 02, 2010 7:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Stella looked at Luthvien, waiting for him to reply. What do you think music player? Pretty sweet huh? She took the picture and hide it. The "draconis" around her neck started to glow, and glow, and glow. I wanted to know want you think because that was the song the prince I was engaged to sang the night I dump him, you could hear him four kingdoms over. He sang in a deep, honeycomb bellow. When I sang that sing I was thinking of him, when I heard your music I think of him, but mostly to that song.

Author:  Forgotten Dragon's Ire [ Sat Jan 02, 2010 9:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

"I thought the song was rather sad and lovely i hope that you find the prince whom you love and that he will forgive you as i know he will" Luthvien said with quiet determination "If you want i will even help you search for him but first let us see what is troubling Exanderous and Dalia" While gesturing towards the two who had been sitting together in an out of the way place

Author:  Drakel [ Sat Jan 02, 2010 9:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Azrivel noticed the two and said to Adrithie (in a way that no one hears him), Adrithie as you well know I would like to talk with Ex and Dalia ALONE! they come they will ruin my chance to find out what is going on and will possibly make him decide not to tell me so I could help.

Adrithie actually did what Azrivel said and told Luthvien, Stay where you are for Azrivel would like to talk to Ex alone. He fears Ex will not tell anything if he feels that He is crowded. Just don't go over there for out of everything ppl don't talk about their problems when they are crowded. At least ask after Azrivel is done talking with Ex and Dalia.

Author:  raptor [ Sat Jan 02, 2010 10:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Stella thanked him, but told him that she must find him on her own. She got out her gutiar.Let's stay and talked a while. How about another song by the "King"? She started to strung and sing the lyrics to "Don't be Cruel" with the band playing behind her. Her draconis lighted up, as bright as the sun. She hoped onto the stage and danced as she sang. Stella even did some of her impressions of him (Elvis). His music was the only thing that could keep her mind off the mistakes she made.

Author:  Drakel [ Sat Jan 02, 2010 10:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

when Azrivel finaly reached Ex and Dalia Azrivel said, I hear you guys might have a problem with something? If you do I might be able to help. I know how to do many thing including answer some small problems.

Author:  raptor [ Sat Jan 02, 2010 10:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Stella kept on playing and kept on rocking, and when the song was over, she walked over to Malaich.So, did you like my preformence? Is you kind a familiar with the "King" as mine is? She smiled, trying to her the burns on her hands with her sleeves. The draconis glowed as she spoked and she hide it with her long, dark hair and also to hide the burns on her chest.

Author:  Forgotten Dragon's Ire [ Sat Jan 02, 2010 10:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Responding to Adrithie telepathically Luthvien says"Oh so it has been you that i was sensing that was talking telepathically with the others and sure i'll stay away from the conversation Luthvien then picked up Életh and began to play a sweet melody of good company and food

Author:  Ciarda [ Sat Jan 02, 2010 11:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Fate glowered at him for a moment, her expression souring immedietely. Impatiently, she took a drag off her cigarette and a sip of wine before answering. "I doubt that you would be of any such use in the matter. And besides, it really is none of your business," she snapped. The situation had her slightly worked up, and Dalia was even cattier than usual. She made sure, however, to keep her voice low so that Malachi would not overhear her, or indeed any part of the conversation. In truth, she did not want to alarm him- especially with that expedition coming up. But admittedly, it had to be discussed.

She glared at him, opting to wait for someone else to respond. She had said her piece, and was not about to air Malachi's potentially personal information.

Malachi was oblivious to the situation. He was sitting listening quietly to the other side of room. Content for the moment to simply listen, he sat back with a glass of wine and listened to the songs, the chatter, etc. To be honest, he opted to simply relax and let everyone do their own thing. The events of the nigth had him a little weary and he was conserving what energy he had for the expedition coming up.

Author:  raptor [ Sat Jan 02, 2010 11:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Stella notice he was off in la-la land. Hello! She said waving her hand in front of his face. Did you heard what I said or should I repeat myself? she smiled. The draconis lighten over her hair, nearly blinding the youth. She tucked and covered her burns.You heard me Malachi? You sick or something? You look kind of pale. When he didn't answer, she asked again. Does your race listen to Elvis as much as mine does? The draconis glowed until it almost lighten up the room, she tried to cover it with her hair one more time. She hoped no one would notice the stupid thing hung around neck on a golden chain, she hoped that he wouldn't notice it.

Author:  switchblade [ Sat Jan 02, 2010 11:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Manages to shuffle his way in through the door and up to the bar were Exx was standing and sets his old fedora on the bar.

"Yet another year gone and failed old friend, my liver is still ever persistent in foiling my attempts to destroy it. How have you been my old friend, it has been to long since we last spoke."

Author:  Drakel [ Sat Jan 02, 2010 11:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Azrivel was only able to smile at how Dalia replied to him. Azrivel Knew something was up and then he seen her look at Malachi for a second. Azrivel sat down next to the two and said, Ahhh... I see it has to do with your friend and seeing that you are overly aggressive about the matter it is either you hate him completely or He is dyeing and douse not know it. Which is it before I ask Adrithie which was most likely ease dropping on you wile I passed out. Either way I find out. Now answer me for out of everything I could help or bring others that could help. Azrivel now knew what the situation is. He was not willing to leave until he got answers. They knew Azrivel is not lying and that he will be able to help if they gave him a chance.

Author:  raptor [ Sat Jan 02, 2010 11:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Stella notice the man enter the room. When he's alone, She thought to herself. I'll talk to Ex, he of all people here will know about the Bethemoths. She turned back to Malachi. I see that you're busy, I'll just go back and chat with Luthiven. She said hiding her burns on her body, that fire really took it the energy out of her. The draconis litted up and radited on her chest, everyone was starting to notice it.I'll just go and let you go on with whatever you were doing. She smiled nervously.

Author:  Falconer [ Sat Jan 02, 2010 11:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Janus, having finished recording for the moment, watched Stella shake off the bizarre heat issue. An idea sprang to mind and he approached the young Leviathan. "May I have your permission to try something? I think I may have a solution."

Author:  raptor [ Sat Jan 02, 2010 11:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Stella hid her draconis under her hair.Try what? I hope you're not going to try to break the spell, my father made it so nothing but a soak in a large body of water will cool it. You can try whatever you like, but afterwards you must give me some information on something I want to know. She took out the picture of her beloved. You can do what ever pops into your head, just let me know if you have any information about the creauture in this photograph, have you heard of his race before? He is a bethmoth.

Author:  Exanderous [ Sun Jan 03, 2010 12:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Exanderous was not one to play games. He considered Azrivel's transgressions and persistence as a form of blackmail, and the Guardian was not in the mood to even consider the possibility of lending their voice to tell the outsider information regarding manners as personal as this. With his brow furrowed and a deadly intense look gracing his countenance, Exanderous howled,

"You will either leave our presence Azrivel, or I will make you leave; no discussion."

Exanderous knew Azrivel's presence was making Fate uncomfortable, and he was not going to have that in the least.

Exanderous'es attention quickly turned to the additional figure who had entered his Tavern.
"Mother of all... Switch Blade!"

It was Exanderous'es battle buddy. Exanderous was so excited, he asked Fate quietly if they could resume their conversation at another moment. He had some catching up to do. This certainly brightened his mood; although, his face did not show it.

"Switchblade my old friend. It has been too long! It is good to see you alive you son of a stitch!"

After a quick but manly embrace, Exanderous said, "Come. Let us see if we can help you of that liver problem of yours huh?"

With that, Exanderous led switchblade to the large and seemingly endless selection of alcohol.

Author:  Falconer [ Sun Jan 03, 2010 12:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

"Fair enough. And I'm not going to break the spell, that would require more energy than I could ever supply. Instead..." He dug in his pouches and pulled out a rabbit's foot, a twisted hawthorn root, and a cat's claw. "I'm going to cast a spell, but one that will pull the energy required from your condition. The spell's effect will be..." He glanced around, and smiled slightly. "Creating water. By draining the fire's energy to create the solution, your problem should be somewhat alleviated. It won't be cured," he noted somewhat dryly. "I've never seen heat this intense before that wasn't lethal. But it should stop you from burning a hole in the floor, and give you an extra five minutes warning to get to a pond or lake before the heat becomes dangerous." He pulled up a chair, set down the hawthorn root, and began carefully cutting small runes into it with the cat claw. As he worked, he asked, "What was the information you needed?"

Author:  raptor [ Sun Jan 03, 2010 12:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Stella smiled back at him.It's a leviathen thing, we just burn and nothing will cool us, but in this form my body can't take this flames. Tell me how much do you about the bethmoths? They are the "sister race" to mine. Do you know anything about one in this picture or where he might be? She handed him the picture. I should ware you that if you pick that on me the spell will burn you to next time, are you sure you want to take that risk?

Author:  Forgotten Dragon's Ire [ Sun Jan 03, 2010 12:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

"You know Stella part of a bards job description is to travel and gain information and i seem to remember a piece of information on these behemoths of yours from what i heard they tend to live in the mountains somewhat south of here but other than that i don't know much about them" Luthvien said hopefully

Author:  Drakel [ Sun Jan 03, 2010 12:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Azrivel was not one of fear and Ex only made Azrivel wan to know more information on the subject. Azrivel said the only thing not many ppl said without dyeing. No, for I do not wish to go until I find out what is going on. You also gave it away thru how you acted on the subject that he is dying. I can help if not fix him if only you tell me what is happening to him. Also two others wondered the same thing and I told them not to come so we may talk. I also told them that when I leave they may ask you the same thing. I asked one thing and gave you privacy to answer me. I might be able to help you if you just tell me what is going on. Now again I will ask for I could help. said Azrivel with a bigger smile and he was ready for anything. Yet strangely his eyes are still half colored if not starting to turn pure Wight.(blind)

Author:  raptor [ Sun Jan 03, 2010 12:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Stella's face lighten up.Then maybe he would stop here sooner or later. I alright check the mountains and he wasn't there but maybe he will travel here one of these days. She smiled. I'll just hang out here until that happens, how about another song when Jauns finished with me here? Hope you like the "King" cause he's all I know.

Author:  Ciarda [ Sun Jan 03, 2010 12:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Malachi snapped out of his daze and made his way over the table, a smile on his face. He sat down beside Stella and set his glass down, taking what appeared to be a sincere interest in the conversation with her. "I am so sorry, dear lady. I was indeed, in La-La Land. My mind was... occupied." In truth, he felt the tension in the room, specifically in his comrades' direction, and it concerned him. He had tried to pry into Fate's mind, in her harried state. It was a stupid move, and somehow he had knownt hat it wouldn't work, but it was worth with a try.

With a small sigh, he turned back to Stella, taking her hand and giving it a small kiss. "My deepest apologies. I should not have allowed myself to become so distracted. Yes, I do like Elvis. I know of him." he smiled as he lowered her hand, and began to engage her in conversation, trying to forget about the tension coming from Dalia and Exanderous. he ntoed that Switchblade had arrived, but opted to concentrate on Stella for the moment.

Author:  raptor [ Sun Jan 03, 2010 12:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Stella smiled. You don't have to call me "lady." And surprise you heard of him, he's as big with my race as he is with the humans. We just love the shiny suits he wears and all the "giggling" he does as he sings, he has a voice of an Siren, well, uh merman. What is your favorite song of his? She said trying to cover the glowing draconis under her long hair.

Author:  Ciarda [ Sun Jan 03, 2010 12:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

There was no hesitation in Malachi's voice as he answered. "Can't help Falling in Love with You," he answered. He was familiar with a few of the man's songs, and by far, this was his favorite. It appealed to what Ex would call the "fairy" side of him that was a true romantic. Adventurer or no, he was as much a romantic as many of his girl friends.

Author:  raptor [ Sun Jan 03, 2010 12:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Stella blushed. Mine is Hound dog. have you heard of that song and how it ends? She snorked. I just love all the way he puts emphasis on the "H" in the verse. What about you? Stella was excited that someone shared her love of the "King." She could talked about him for hours.

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