
EXX's Tavern
Page 45 of 59

Author:  raptor [ Tue Jan 05, 2010 6:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Shelly wasn't paying much attention to what he was saying.

Stella just giggled.

So, I'm guessing you don't meet many kraken, huh?
She said.
Shelly had really changed since banishment. Her upper half was completely human, Stella notice this. What was she doing here? They had a conversation telepathy.

Stella:What are you doing here, girl?

Shelly:I heard that you were seen here so I came to check on you.

Stella:You didn't have to do that.

Shelly:Oh, yes I did. I had to, it's my job.

Stella:I am not a child any more.

Shelly:But you're still young, my princess. And I still check on you from time to time to pull your butt out of the fire. And tell your friend to stop bowing to me, he's making a scene.

Stella just shook her head at her old, silly friend. Shelly noticed that Ex didn't heard her and she was starting to dry out, so she just left a bag full of deep sea gold for him on the counter and left witout a word.

I'll be back to check on you later, Princess. She said to Stella telepathyly and walked out the door.

Author:  Falconer [ Tue Jan 05, 2010 6:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Janus watched her go. "Strong, silent type, eh? Who is she?"

Author:  raptor [ Tue Jan 05, 2010 6:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Stella giggled.

Why do you want to know?She teased.

Shelly must have been a really sight to see. Stella was a little bit of green, Shelly was still beautiful from the waist down while she had to move on skinny little human limbs.

Author:  Forgotten Dragon's Ire [ Tue Jan 05, 2010 7:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

"What happened... I blinked" Luthvien said with a smile "No really that was a short meeting I must say Shelly has quite a bit of energy"

Author:  raptor [ Tue Jan 05, 2010 8:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Stella was still laughing at her much of an impact her friend had on them.

Yeah, that's Shelly. Fast isn't she? Kraken are like that. They are gone in a blink of an eye. She'll be back, she has a habit of coming back.

She got out her gutiar and sung "All Shook up" and Shelly pop out of nowhere and they sung a duet. They wiggled and shake for the crowd and when the peformence was over, Stella introdunce Shelly to her air breathing friends.

Shelly, this is Janus and Luthvien. There are my new friends.

Shelly gave them one of her tentacles for them to shake.

How do you fellows do?

Author:  Forgotten Dragon's Ire [ Tue Jan 05, 2010 8:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Luthvien took hold of the tentacle completely tentatively and shook it"Nice to meet you Shelly I'm glad Stella still has friends from her home

Author:  raptor [ Tue Jan 05, 2010 9:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Shelly smiled.
Nice to meet you.

Shelly looks at Janus.

Are you okay, honey?

Author:  Falconer [ Wed Jan 06, 2010 11:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Why does she seem so familiar? The mage thought to himself. Aloud, he replied, "Well enough. It is good to see that Stella has a familiar face amongst such a new environment."

Author:  Exanderous [ Wed Jan 06, 2010 5:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

While sipping his Bourbon and enjoying the company of his old friend, a stranger entered his Tavern. She had a strange energy signature about her, and her pigmentation was slightly off. The visitor immediately greeted Stella, so Exanderous understood that she had come with a purpose and if she wanted to greet him personally, she would in time.

Exanderous always noticed when someone enters his establishment. While in his midst, a presence rarely goes undetected. In all of his wisdom, he did not anticipate the stranger placing rare gold on his counter top. He did not expect compensation for any of his services; especially the ones he did not deliver. The fact that there were people left in this world who payed for a service that was not given to them made Exanderous smile a little. Perhaps there was still some good left in this plane.

"Stella, would you please come here?" the guardian requested. "I need to speak with you."

Author:  raptor [ Wed Jan 06, 2010 6:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Shelly and Stella smiled and whisper to each other in their home lanugage.

Stella:They're pretty, cool, huoh?

Shelly:Yeah, but that one(Janus) keeps staring at me and blinking and it's creeping me out.

Stella:Just smile and be nice, they're my friends.

Shelly:If you say so. But you know that he should really take a picture, so that it will last longer.

Stella:Be nice, Shelly.

Shelly:Alright, alright, Princess. I'll pretend that he's not staring at me like I'm some kind of freak.

Shelly smiled at them and left.

Stella just nodded.

So, what do you guys think of my sister(close friend)? she asked. Before they could answer, Stella heard Ex call her and ventured over to him at the bar.

You called me, Ex? She said nervously.

The big boss man wanted to see her, and after that last display, she was slightly worried that he would kick out her also.

Is this about the singging cause I can do other styles of music, I just happen to be a big fan of the king...where I was a big fan, now I'm a little, tiny fan, but if it bothers you I could do something else.

She prayed that he wasn't upset about the singging or Shelly coming in like she own the place, because if I was the latter, it would be the first time Shelly got her into trouble instead helping her get out.

Author:  Falconer [ Wed Jan 06, 2010 6:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

"She seems nice enough," Janus replied, making a quick sketch of the stranger before he forgot.

Author:  raptor [ Wed Jan 06, 2010 7:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Stella was running out of things to say.

Like I said I could sing other music like the "Judds" or other sappy things like that or I could not sing at all, espeically Elvis if it bothers you or you're not in to that kind of thing.

Stella didn't want it to be about Shelly.

If I got kicked out of here because of her, I'm gonna make her into sushi. She thought to herself as she waited for his respone.

Author:  Exanderous [ Wed Jan 06, 2010 9:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Exanderous smirked as he placed his hand on Stella's shoulder. He could tell she was nervous, and he tried to be as approachable as possible while in the Tavern.

"Stella," Exx said in a calm, soothing voice, "Relax. You are fine. I was just going to ask you to tell your friend that she does not have to pay for entrance here. I do not allow anyone to pay for my services, much less to enter my Tavern. You both can stay here as long as you want."

Exanderous patted her on the back and smiled.

"Carry on. Oh, And Stella?"

Exanderous paused for a small second and made sure he was on level to the woman's eyes. He put his hands to his mouth and coughed to clear his throat. After closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, Exanderous opened his eyes and mouth with an expression that was only possible for the king of rock himself. His countenance looked like a spitting image of Elvis.

"Ain't nothing but a thing, pretty momma."

Exanderous smiled as he said, "Had that impression down for awhile now. hah."

Author:  raptor [ Thu Jan 07, 2010 7:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Stella giggled.

Well, thank you, thank you very much, Ex, baby. she said in her Elvis voice.

Thank the treasure of Atlantis that was over and she wasn't kick. Shehim a small hug and went back to her seat.

Author:  raptor [ Thu Jan 07, 2010 7:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Stella giggled.

Well, thank you, thank you very much, Ex, baby. she said in her Elvis voice.

Thank the treasure of Atlantis that was over and she wasn't kick out. She gave him a small hug and went back to her seat.

Shelly was still in hot water though, no matter what.

And when Shelly popped out of nowhere like she normally did, her and Stella had and long and heated chat in their home language.

Stella:Girl, I'm going to kill you!

Shelly:Hey,hey, calm down, Princess. I just thought he would to be paid for helping you.

Stella:You're lucky, we didn't get kick out of here! Where did you get that money, anyway!?

Shelly got real quite.

Stella:Where did you get that money!? Answer me now!!!

Shelly:Honey, I have a confestion, I'm not really banished, well I'm not allowed in the palace anymore, but I'm not banished from the entire kingdom. Your father gave me that gold for all my years of service.

Stella was outrage.

Stella:Get out of here before I murder you, girl! I don't want to see you right now.

Shelly did as her princess comanded, besides she had to get back to the kingdom and left.

Stella looked at everyone staring at her as Shelly left.

Sorry you all had to see that, She smiled with a nervous tense in her voice.

Every since she becomes tingling(fearful and worried) and stingging(jealousy) inside. Humans and their many sick little emotions.

She wasn't sure way she yelled at her servent, maybe she was envious that she got a lighter punishment, the next time she sees that one-eyed dinosauar(her step-mother) she better hope she doesn't have her powers back to hurt the old bitty.

Glorida, will pay for this, She thought to herself.

That witch will pay!

Author:  Falconer [ Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

After a short, uncomfortable pause, Janus said brightly, "Well, that's that!"

Author:  Exanderous [ Thu Jan 07, 2010 4:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Exanderous placed his fingers in thought while contemplating the possibility of being maybe to harsh. He had no intention to scare off his clientele, and he definitely did not want to be completely feared by those who seek to inhabit his Tavern.

Perhaps, just perhaps, I have been too rough in setting examples, the guardian thought to himself.

Author:  raptor [ Thu Jan 07, 2010 6:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Stella was boiling mad at her friend, stream was coming out of her nose. Her shellphone rang and and rang and the caller ID said it was Shelly calling. She just disconnected it, and threw it into the pond. Shelly was in the deep end now and she had no hope of coming out. The shellphone magically reappear and started to ring again. Stella answer it and step out of the room and spoke in her native language.

No, I don't want to speak to you right now, Shelly. Stop calling this number, erased it and delete it. You're gonna get me kick for real this time. I don't know what he did with the gold! No one is going to steal it! Shelly, I've got to go. No, I'm not mad, I'm furious, baby! Now hang up! Now! Now!

Stella step back into the room and said she was sorry in English, hoping that no one here was fluence in her language.
She hated to appear to be a so-called "spoiled princess", but Shelly had really crossed the line, she lied to her and now she must suffer for it. She wasn't only upset with her step-mother, but now was certainly and equally upset with Shelly for being in league with her. This hurt her very much. Stella could read the minds of sea creatures and knew that Shelly got the gold from Indgio(her stepmother) and that she was lying to her face.
Smoke came out of her mouth as if she was smoking a cigartte. She tried to calm her self down and explain what was going on

Sorry, I had a serious personal matter to attend to. She said with a anxious smile.

Author:  Falconer [ Thu Jan 07, 2010 7:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

One look and Janus knew better than to inquire further. "Nothing too bad, I hope." He reached for his glass, only to find it was empty. "Dang." Turning, he walked back to the bar. "Exx, can I get some hot water, please?" he asked, setting the wooden mug down.

Author:  raptor [ Thu Jan 07, 2010 7:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Stella finally calm down, she just sit there and looked at the fish tank and had a little chat with the fishes and she had to said that some of them look gooood to the taste. Shelly appear and took Janus' cup.

I can get some water, I need to talk to the boss man(Ex) for a moment anyway.

Shelly took the cup and went over to the bar.

Excuse me, but that young man over there would like some water and I think that you and I need to talk for awhile.

Stella notice Shelly had returned and sprang out of her seat.

Sorry, about this Ex. She said grabing Shelly by her human arm.

They whisper in their native language.

Stella:What do you think you're doing, girl!? You're really gonna get us kicked out of here now!?

Shelly:Relax, Sugar, I just want to talk to him seeing as how upset you were.

Stella:Never mind that, let's go!

Shelly:Geez, you act like he's the king or something. What is he Elvis or something like that?

Stella:He kinda is around here, he's word is law, don't tick him off or we'll be banish from here too.

Stella grabbed her friend by the arm and sat herself and her at the table and they whispered again in their home language.

Stella:Do as your princess command and Don't do that again.

Stella smiled at Janus.

Sorry, Shelly couldn't get your water, in fact, Shelly was just about to go to the home world.

Shelly whined in native language.

Shelly:Your majesticty,

Stella gave her servant a stern look and Shelly went away for awhile.

Look, I know I seem alittle harsh, but if you could read what was going on in the minds of sea creatures(Shelly), you would tick too.
Sorry about the inrrpution.
Stella sighed.

Author:  Drakel [ Sat Jan 09, 2010 2:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

It was starting to turn to night. The sky was worth seeing for once. the stars are up yet so is the sun(s). The sky had a gold tint to it and a unique add of pure black clouds for it was both about to rain and was getting close to night. it looked like there was rain at the distance and soon enough Azrivel walked in bleeding (like always) on his left shoulder and three small cuts on his face. (AGAIN) yet Azrivel could feel the blood to him it was nothing and he felt nothing of it.

HI EVERY ONE! you do know I wasn't teleported far, right? But then again you were the one teleporting me Ex so I guess you knew. Either way, past is past and it should not be involved in our future. Could I have some of your best Silverstar liquor? I hear that it sometimes heals a wound instantly and well, as you know it is very good this time of year. said Azrivel with a smile on his face. Azrivel acted like there was never even a problem in the first place. It was like he was never kicked out in the first place.

Azrivel walked over to Luthvien and said, soo.. What did I missed?

Author:  Falconer [ Sat Jan 09, 2010 10:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Janus felt rather disoriented, watching the two of them communicate. "Take your time, he replied weakly.

As Azrivel came in, the mage glanced his way. "Oh. Hi there. What happened to you?"

Author:  raptor [ Sat Jan 09, 2010 1:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Stella didn't notice him all that much, it was like he wasn't there. He wasn't much of cocern to her, what was her cocern was Shelly, who she hoped didn't show up now. She turn to Janus, she could tell that her and Shelly's disagreement shook him up abit.

Janus, I'm sorry you had to witness that. Shelly only listen to me when I speak in our native tonguge, our language is not know to land-dwellers so it might sound a bit like a babble.

Author:  Forgotten Dragon's Ire [ Sat Jan 09, 2010 1:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

"Hello Azrivel good to see you again you missed quite a bit of stuff i would say that it was equivalent to 2 pages of information" Luthvien then brought his hand up to cradle his chin in a thoughtful pose "Let's see you haven't met Shelly but she is bound to show up again, she is a friend of Stella's" Then with a glance at Stella he continued "Shelly is really energetic and both Stella and Shelly seem to be arguing about something but i'm trying to stay out of it" Luthvien then picks up Életh and begins to play a few tunes

Author:  raptor [ Sat Jan 09, 2010 1:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Stella frowned. She cared for Luthiven like a brother, but she was afraid that he said too much. She turned away from Janus for a moment.

Don't worry about who Shelly is, she is no one you should worry about. She hoped he wouldn't asked her about what happen.

It's a sea creature thing, more than a magic thing, you wouldn't understand the matter.

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