
EXX's Tavern
Page 47 of 59

Author:  Ciarda [ Wed Jan 13, 2010 12:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

"Either way, friend, you may want to watch what you do. Not for nothing does Ex make an example of someone... and bring them back." The last part of the statement held a bit of surprise. As Azrivel looked up from the flower, he was greeted with a wry grin. Malachi stood, bottle of God-only-knew what in hand and had placed two shot glasses before the half-elf. As he poured, he continued to speak, and from the Azrivel guessed that it was Irish Whiskey. "I tell you what, though, Ex is NOT a man to cross twice, so hold your tongue, laugh, be merry... and have a drink with me." He chuckled as he set the bottle down.

Author:  Drakel [ Wed Jan 13, 2010 1:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

The flower started to die until it turned to dust. Then the wind blew it away and Azrivel said, I know friend. I should have held those insults in better. Sorry for what happened Ex.

Azrivel was starting to wonder what was that flower. Life? Magic? His own soul? The power was over whelming and yet it felt so peaceful to Azrivel. Azrivel’s own power created something instead of destroyed. Then Azrivel noticed the whiskey on the table and looked like Irish. Drinking the whiskey Azrivel started to feel better.

Author:  Ciarda [ Wed Jan 13, 2010 1:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Malachi downed his own glass and almost choked. His face contorted in a comical twist and he nearly gagged on the liquid. He never quite got used to that bite... After a moment, though, his taste-buds adjusted and he poured them each another drink.

"That's quite a unique ability you've got there. I only know one other person who can manipulate her energy like that, and she hurls it... as a weapon. It takes a lot to control it like that. For the life of me, I can't figure out HOW she does it."

Author:  Drakel [ Wed Jan 13, 2010 2:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Azrivel was confused and said, All I done was want to protect my family's honor and keep the respect for the dead. Though I will say I have no clue how I done it. It was supposed to use a simple push spell but instead this happens. Either way it douses not matter anymore. Azrivel finished his drink and smiled again.

Author:  raptor [ Wed Jan 13, 2010 7:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Shelly came over to comfront her princess.

Listen, girl, I didn't want to say this earlier, but seeing as you're all fired up now, I'm suppose I could tell you this. She said with her face looking grim.

There's a reason, I keep popping up here, you father died in his sleep and I was looking for a moment to break it to you gentlely.

The emotion vanished from her face and so did the smile.

She tied up her hair and rolled up her sleeves.

Don't tell anyone where I went, I've got some growing up to do. She stated.

Stella tried to sneak out the door without anybody noticing her, and moment for Shelly to stay here.

Author:  Falconer [ Wed Jan 13, 2010 5:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Completely missing out on the telepathic conversation, Janus stomped off to a corner, where he dumped out a strip of dried seaweed, a bat's ear, a piece of coal, and a pile of sawdust onto the table. "I am sick and tired of missing out of everything going on."

Author:  raptor [ Wed Jan 13, 2010 5:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Shelly giggled, now that Stella left out the door to go right a wrong she had done, it was go to have a nice laugh.

You guys are just the funniest thing! I wished that my kind were that funny, were funny-looking, but not funny funny. She snorted out loud.

Shelly finally notice that Janus pushed the gold away.

Sorry, I have a habit of doing that. I've got a weakness for gold and shiny things, I'm an octopus and we look the glowing stuff. Isn't that the silliest thing you ever heard?

Shelly laughed at how she had a weakness for the gold and such.

She looked and notice Malachi's rings and went over there to the bar with him and Arivel.

Hi there, She said looking at how shiny from the jewlery.

My name is Shelly, what's yours?

She didn't cared if Arivel was annoyed with her or not, it was all about looking at the bling-bling baby and when she saw the look on his face, she turned to him.

Sorry, She sighed.

I have a weakness for looking at the yellow, shiny stuff, it's sick I know. You must think I'm crazy, Arivel.

Author:  Drakel [ Wed Jan 13, 2010 9:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Azrivel Sighed and then replied to Stella’s statement,I already know your name, and liking gold is not really a problem. I actually own a lot of gold myself and I still hunger to have more. Dragon law is the only other thing a care about other than gold, silver, and rare gems. No harm done in other words.

Author:  raptor [ Thu Jan 14, 2010 7:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Shelly giggled.

So you're gold lover too? You a man of many talents aren't you? You're a man of wisdom and the world, aren't you? I would love to here some of your stories. Could you tell some of them?

Shelly didn't seem to notice that he got her confused with Stella, who had lefted to do something important.

Author:  raptor [ Thu Jan 14, 2010 6:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Shelly just sat there with each of her tentacles crossed, waiting for him to responed.

Unlike Stella, she actually wanted to hear what he had to said and was willing to listen.

Please tell me, what is your story? Tell me everything, all the details, please. I would loooooooooooove to heard them!

She began to get exicted.

Author:  Drakel [ Fri Jan 15, 2010 1:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Azrivel smiled and said, I am sorry but my story is only told once a day. Ruins the fun out of storytelling if I keep telling them over and over again.

Author:  raptor [ Fri Jan 15, 2010 7:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Shelly grined at him.

Then how about I tell you some of my stories, tough guy? I've got a few tales to tell, if you'll willing to heard them.

Stella was no where to be found and she wonder if she was alright. However Stella gave her an order to stay unless Exx kicked her out himself, and because that hadn't happen yet she was safe, she didn't see that he was looking at her, just on kept talking to Azrivel.

Author:  Drakel [ Fri Jan 15, 2010 1:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Azrivel replied to Shelly's question, one that has a story to tell must tell it when one wants too. You have the ability to tell your stories if you want. So sit down if you feel like it and maybe if you’re lucky Luthvien will make a song out of it.

Adrithie said,I don't really feel like hearing stories right now.

Azrivel said, Honestly, I think a story is a grate idea.

Author:  raptor [ Fri Jan 15, 2010 5:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Shelly crossed her eight legs.

Well, She started.

When I hatched, the first thing I saw was my mother's dead body, that and my thousand of brothers and sisters. I killed seven men, then Stella's father thought I had prosime and made me chief advisor. I got engagged to boyfriend, master my shape-shifting powers, Stella's mother died and her father married that witch who hated me because she thougt I was too smart. So, when She banished Stella and I, she took my intelligence away, leaving me as giggly and sunbeamy as a schoolgirl. And sorry about laughing at you earlier I have a habit of chuckling at either danger or power, it's parts of the curse. Oh, and in addition to cursing me, the queen ate my boyfriend.

She took a sip of water.

And that's it, pretty corny, huh?

Author:  Drakel [ Fri Jan 15, 2010 5:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Azrivel sighed and said, Guess it was hard to see such things. But it is better than being forced to always be happy than have emotions yet you can never use most of them without harming the lives of others. Sorry for your losses.

Author:  raptor [ Fri Jan 15, 2010 5:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Shelly shook her head.

Don't be, kraken are suppose to go through hard times, we're not boneless, well, we are but not when it comes to emotions, we expressed our emotions by colors and patterns. Plus I can turn invisble. Wanna see?

Shelly stood up for a moment and turned invisble and turned backed.

I'm just fine with it, not thrilled or enjoyed it, but I was already squishy from the started. That doesn't bother me, what bothers me is that Stella's old man kicked the bucket and I couldn't attened the fulture. Twenty ceuntries I worked for that man, loved him like one of my own, will we were close,(kraken eat their own kind) and now that he's gone, things look bleak for the kingdom. Not to mention that cow is going to enslaved everyone now that's she's queen, Stella would make a better queen though, with the right training. Tell me what is your kingdom like, the placed you and the king and queen lived. Is it green with rolling mountains sides? Tell me about it.

Author:  Drakel [ Fri Jan 15, 2010 7:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Azrivel kind of knew that question was about to come up sooner or later. I don't live in the same kingdom with Sethanya and Azricel. However both my home and their kingdom are nice. My home was built inside of a cave I found in the forest. Sethanya and Azricel's kingdom is almost the same but a little bit more well built. The cities they own are filled with nothing but dragons. Actually the planets they own are like that but with a few other races. One of the most powerful of kingdoms and it is beautiful. It is on a cliff that is right next to a forest. The cities are Huge! Towers that could easily be mistaken to be made of gold and they all are connected from underground tunnel roads that are just as beautiful. A light post that always shine and that is made of multicolored crystals that glow in dark naturally calls Sythowes, an extremely common gem. No matter what there is room for hundreds of dragons to fly in both the tunnels and top streets. You should visit some time.

Author:  raptor [ Fri Jan 15, 2010 7:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Shelly was intersted.

Do they have any that look like me there, well, not like "this", but you know krakens? Have you ever met any other krakens before me?

Author:  Drakel [ Fri Jan 15, 2010 8:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Azrivel sighed and said,No! Your race died off on all the planets yet there is a city for over and underwater dragons. It is the only under/over water city and many sea dragons live there.

Azrivel smiled again and said to everyone, Now, has anyone ever been to me Enchanted weapons and armor shop?

Author:  raptor [ Fri Jan 15, 2010 9:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Shelly smiled.

I know, I used to lived there, it's called "Mu".

Author:  Drakel [ Fri Jan 15, 2010 9:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Azrivel looked at Shelly and said, sorry but no, I mean in Sethanya' and Azrivel's kingdom's control. Out of Every city they own there is only one that is an underwater/overwater city. I am not talking about whatever underwater city Stella owns. The name of the city I am talking about is Galdorrom (Gall – Door- rum). So I mean no offence when I say you kind of got that one wrong.

Author:  raptor [ Fri Jan 15, 2010 9:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Shelly put her hands on her sides.

Stella doesn't own the kingdom, she's not queen yet, nor is she ready.

Going back to his eariler comment, Shelly said:

You're an lover of enchanted artficits and weapons too, huh? I would love to see your shop.

Author:  Drakel [ Sat Jan 16, 2010 4:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Azrivel said,indeed. MY shop is the best when it comes to weapons and armor. No matter what you will find a weapon that calls to you. Expensive yet worth the gold, Not one weapon is the same and each weapon is able to have at most three enchantments. Other than that it is very nice. Turning to Malachi, Azrivel said,SO... Malachi, what I hear you know a thing or two when it comes with magic. What is your position on spell making? I hear it is almost about to be banned magic for most of the time seeing created spells are mainly more powerful that normal spells.

Adrithie said, What kind of a stupid question is that? Everyone should have the right to create spells.

Author:  raptor [ Sat Jan 16, 2010 5:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Shelly was not big on weapons or magic, but she was a fast learner. So, she just did the one thing her kind was known for: Slience. She wanted to learn about he called "Malachi", but because of the curse she blabbing out:

I know a few spells of two, Azrivel! I can show you if you want, Stella taught them to me, but she doesn't practice magic any more since her mother died! I know alot of spells, alot more than you would think!

Deep down she knew she sounded like the biggest bimbo on the planet, having none of her kraken intellingence left, she was forced to say something that would make her sounded, well, a little off and a little not all the way there. Her skin turned a deep pink color, she had embrass herself... again.

Author:  Drakel [ Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Looking at Shelly Azrivel said, I know you could but right now I asked Malachi a question. Please be respectful on that and wait for him to answer back. Patience is a key of life. Looking back at Malachi Azrivel said, Soooo...? What is your position on spell making seeing that is makes extremely powerful spells? Personally I think that Spell making is one of a few great things to master.

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