
EXX's Tavern
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Author:  alondor [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 1:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

"Hm so alondor has a differnet life in this dimention, interesting," turning towards stella Jarrick states "the only reason i know that it was not the same man is because the guy i am looking for is currently being thrown between three planes, fire, wind and this one so it is impossible that he is the same."

Author:  Drakel [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 1:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Looking at Shelly Azrivel said, She is not mine, I.... found her in her time of need and gave her immortality and a friend that will never leave her. seems like the only thing that keeps her happy is when she calls people by nick names that sticks forever.

Author:  raptor [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 1:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Shelly didn't understand caring for offspring her parents are long gone.

That was very sweet what you did for her.

Stella response to the state about the man.

I guess you're right, I couldn't tell some surface dwellers from another.Maybe these hybrids like Sol because he's a man more of action than words. I just can't belive my old man was right, there are hybrids.

She clutched her weapon made from her father' tooth.

May the old salt rest in peace. He knew alot about many races especially Luthvien's kind.
She turned to Luthvien.

Tanin would have loved you.

Author:  Forgotten Dragon's Ire [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 12:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

"I'm glad to hear that I would have been welcomed warmly by your father were he still alive" Luthvien said while picking up Életh and playing a sad dirge for the loss of her Father

Author:  raptor [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 2:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Yeah, sighed Tanin's daughter.

He would have all of you. Daddy loved warriors and scholars.

Author:  Drakel [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 2:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Holding the chocolate milk Azrivel was about to say something until Suzie appeared once again. Suzie whispered something to Azrivel and he said, WHAT! how could any one want the same blade?........ well tell them that I only make one of a kinds!...... ok I guess I should settle the matter......... YES, I will look for enchanting gems and runes on the way there.

looking at every one Azrivel said, well guys I got to take care of important business. Later! bye Suzie, and be nice! Azrivel walked out of the door and Suzie was left behind. Drinking her chocolate milk that she asked for.

Author:  raptor [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 3:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

It was just then that Sol was walking to through the door. He had a powerful sense about himself. He sat down next to Stella real quick.

Everyone, She introduced.

This is the light of my moring sky, Sol.

He smiled at everyone, they could tell he was a man of little words.

Hello, He said short and sweet.

Shelly excuse herself for all this stress was drying out her grills.

Sol gave Luthiven and Jarick a heavy hand shake each.

Author:  Forgotten Dragon's Ire [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 3:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

"Hello Sol hows married life treating you"

Author:  raptor [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 3:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Sol just shruggled his shounders and smiled.

Author:  alondor [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 4:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Jarrick was not really interested in the man who had just arrived, after shaking his hand Jarrick jumped the counter and started looking for any bottled blood he could find. He eventually found some dragon's blood and poured it into a glass and jumping back over the counter and taking a sip.

Author:  Forgotten Dragon's Ire [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 4:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Luthvien just looked at the blood Jarrick was drinking and said "I hope that was freely given blood I hate it when people go to kill dragons"

Author:  alondor [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 4:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

"No idea idea i just found it behind the counter and as ling as i do not know it does not hurt my conscience. For you see i will only drink the blood of a dead creature or someone who gave it up willingly" jarrick stated in reply to luthvien's comment

Author:  Drakel [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 4:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Suzie was just swinging her legs on the tall chair se was sitting on and then she looked at Luthvien and said, Lute you know any good songs?

Author:  Forgotten Dragon's Ire [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 4:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

OOC: We were never introduced lol but that is fine

"Yes i know plenty what would you like to hear a ballad, dirge, sonnet, requiem, heroic, folksong, etc"

Author:  Drakel [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 4:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

OOC: I did say she makes nick names out of the blue by both personality and appearance.

IC: any is good.

Author:  Forgotten Dragon's Ire [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 4:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

"All right I will play a heroic of a blue-eyed warrior near the sea" and with that he began playing Életh and singing as well the music told the story of the blue-eyed warrior of his pride, glory, battles won, and sorrowful losses

Author:  raptor [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 6:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Sol gave Stella a look.

Be nice, honey She said to her husband.

They're my friends.

Sol just shruggled his shoulders, gave Stella kiss on the mouth, and left.

When Luthiven was done playing, she asked him what he thought of Sol.

Isn't he wonderful? I love him, do you know any love songs?

Author:  Forgotten Dragon's Ire [ Tue Feb 09, 2010 3:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

"Why yes why not "Alma del core" and with that Luthvien picked up Életh and sang
"...Alma del core, spirto del' alma...
Alma del core, spirto del' alma
Sempre costante t'adorerò
T'adorerò, t'adorerò, t'adorerò, t'adorerò...
Alma del core, spirto del' alma
Sempre costante t'adorerò
Sempre costante t'adorerò...
Sarò contento
Nel mio tormento
Se quel bel labro baciar potrò.
Se quel bel labro, se quel bel labro baciar potrò.
...Alma del core, spirto del' alma
Alma del core, spirto del' alma
Sempre costante t'adorerò
T'adorerò, t'adorerò, t'adorerò, t'adorerò
Alma del core, spirto del' alma
Sempre costante t'adorerò
Sempre costante t'adorerò

OOC: Take the ... as interludes where Luthvien is playing Életh and not singing BTW I actually sang this at contest a couple weeks ago this is in Italian the English Translation is this
Soul of my heart, ----- Alma del core
Spirit of my soul, -----spirto del' alma
Always constantly will I adore you! -----Sempre costante t'adorerò
I will be contented ---- Sarò contento
In my torment -----Nel mio tormento
If only I could kiss that beautiful lip. ---- Se quel bel labro baciar potrò.

Author:  Drakel [ Tue Feb 09, 2010 3:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Suzie was swinging her legs while sitting on the tall (to her) chair humming the song exactly to the note. When the song ended she said with a smile that could turn any bad day to a good one, That was a very nice song lute. Suzie jumped off her chair and got another glass of chocolate milk, putting five silver coins on the bar counter for it.

Author:  alondor [ Tue Feb 09, 2010 5:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Jarrick was also listening to the song and whe n it ended he clapped politely and then took another sip of his drink

Author:  Exanderous [ Tue Feb 09, 2010 11:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Exanderous set his azure gaze to the ceiling as he sipped the contents of his mug. The ale was not one of poison or yeast, but of carbonation and flavor. With a touch of Vanilla, Root Beer would be the Guardian's choice of beverage tonight.

"Too many abnormal characters for their to be wine tonight," Exanderous whispered as he wiped the foam clean from his upper lip. "Though I would not have it any other way."

Exanderous chugged the remainder of his beverage, and with a sigh of delight, he placed the mug down on the table and stood on his feet. Pushing in his chair and nodding towards Fate, the Guardian approached the counter of his bar stand. Much to his dismay, currency was found littered about in little piles. The gleam caught his eye, and his disgust.

"After a thousand barking orders not to pay for their beverages they still persist."

The Guardian slid his right hand against the counter top pushing all the coins to the floor. As they hit the ground and twirled about, the jingling caught the attention of the Tavern's patrons.

"What? I said no one is to pay for their beverages. As you were."

The coins fell still and the ringing ceased. A brief wind of silence struck the Tavern, but it was short lived. A small chuckle resonating from the Guardian brought the life back into the crowd. Exanderous turned to the wall behind the counter filled with cubby holes. After taking a small bottle covered with dust from one of the holes the Guardian pulled up a stool, put his feet up on the counter, and wiped the dust off the bottle.

"A good day, for a good year," Exanderous said as he opened the bottle and took a sip. "A good day indeed."

Author:  Drakel [ Fri Feb 12, 2010 1:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Suzie was kicking her legs while sitting on a chair and hummed a melody to herself. When she noticed the silver coins on the ground that Ex tossed down, Getting Suzie's attention she said, So you must be Ex, Right? I have heard stories about you over hear, some weren't that nice. Are any of the ones that sound evil true?

Livella (Suzie's Titan) Replied,Most people say things like that to scare you child. Best not to think about it too much. It is bad for your mental health.

Author:  Exanderous [ Fri Feb 12, 2010 3:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Exanderous acknowledged Suzie's voice, and turned to face her while pouring some more of his beverage into his mug.

"That depends on what your definition of evil is, my dear," the Guardian said cryptically. "For some truths are disguised with the serpent's tongue and some good is conceived from that which is evil. Tell me friend, what may I do for you?"

Exanderous turned the center of his person so he could face his guest and awaited a response.

Author:  Drakel [ Fri Feb 12, 2010 2:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Suzie just stared at Ex, she could tell that some of the intense war stories were true by just looking at him but that is not the one story she heard. The one story that made her actually compare him to the worst the universe. (all the realms and galaxy's put together.) The only name she feared in her life, Frawn, The baddest of the bad, He actually went passed pure evil in just one week.

Don't say it child, Don't you dare say it or you'll regret it. Trust me he will not like what you are about to ask.

Suzie ignored Lavella and yet she didn't even want to say the name of the one that forced her into slavery and orphanagation. The one that made her beautiful planet into Armageddon in just three hours. Are you as much of a killer as Frawn? I already know that you kill when needed and that you are a war hero, but Are you as ruthless as ..... Him. She already knew that just comparing Ex and Frawn would be the worst if not the biggest insult to ex than anything, Comparing a war hero with a murder that kills for his own pleasure.

OOC: orphanagation) it's a word or atleast I think it is

Author:  alondor [ Fri Feb 12, 2010 8:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EXX's Tavern

Jarrick who had just taken another sip of his drink spat it out all over the counter "did you just say frawn?" he asked looking at suzie. He knew she looked familiar his dimension's suzie was the armory master who gave him his sword but in this reality she apparently had a less then happy childhood because of someone who in jarrick's reality was one of the seven, the most rutheless of them.

In jarrick's reality frawn was the member of the seven who had darkness, he was good friends with thampeat who was an earth user and sherry who was fire user. Those three were the most rutheless of the seven next was the mystery member who no one knew the identity of but she controlled all six elements then the other three who were fairly calm.

At the moment however jarrick was focusing on frawn of the reality he was in. "What does this man look like?"

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