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 Post subject: My toons
PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 7:21 am 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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It's a pain trying to keep track of all of my toons. my hard drive died yesterday too (apple replaced it for free in one day which is a huge bonus), so i've lost everything. this thread is mostly so i can consolidate my toons from the OOC posts over the years.

from Draggyness' rp, the daemon star
Name: Marcus
Age: 25
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 11stn
Build: toned.
Hair: short and blonde
Eyes: brown
Clothing: A leather tunic and briefs. he wears a white cotton shirt beneath and buckled shoes.

Pref. Weapon: A scimitar, he weilds like Sinbad.

Personality: Bit of a ladies man and a charmer to boot. he has gotten out of many scrapes by his tactics with charming people into letting him go. he is a minor thief and also a seeker of adventure. his French rough headedness comes into play when things don't go his way, which isn't very often.

From Angel of deaths' Rebirth
Name: Jessica
Age: appears to be mid 20's but events in her past mean she is immortal
Race: Phoenix

Weapon: she uses mystical powers mainly now, but she still carries around her crossbow with garlic tipped bolts.

Appearance: I originally had her in my head looking like Jean Grey from the Xmen. I think if she looks like Jean Grey from the second Xmen movie that would be the best. but her clothing is light materials dyed in earthy autumnal hues. a long skirt, a blouse with Leather corset and golden bracers on her arms. on her head she wears a thin corronet of gold which seems to glint like fire in the sunlight.

bio and history:
Jess was a hunter, she bares the mark of those destined to destroy vampires. her journey was made more exciting by the appearance of Zeth and Alacard, together they fought demons, hellish monsters and vampires. Jess thought she had lost her parents at a young age, but later found that this was an memory which her father, a powerful telepath, had put in her mind (this was all written before Xmen 3 came out just to let you know ) Soon she found glitches in these memories and then found a dormant power lying inside of her. upon unleashing it she found she could weild an enormous energy which upon further investigation she discovered came from her mothers blood line, the females in her family all descend from the First Phoenix,Phoebe, who fell in love with a mortal and gave birth to a half phoenix lineage.

the power is now manifest in Jess, and after battling for control she is now the Phoenix she was desitned to be. she lives with her love Alacard and together they keep a watch over Zeth's daughter.

From ex's Blood Arch
ok I'll have a go too!

Name: Tarin
Age: 19
Race: Human

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 9stn.
Hair: medium length orange hair.
Eyes: yellow
Build: petite


Defining features: on her back are two black bat shapped wings. they are very small and stick out from just above her shoulders. they are decoration only.

personality: she is happy go lucky and always optomistic. she can however also be very stubborn. She's taken on a sisterly role over the twins, keeping an eye on them whether they appreciate it or not.

Weapons: Tarin uses magickal gloves. these gloves were given to her by her grandmother and she can enchant them to do various things. she also carries a leatherbound book of magick. this was her grandmothers also. and although it is full of spells they are hidden from her until she learns them herself. so far she has a few spells including fire and slight healing, also she can project a sheild around her but it can't sustain many blows from an attacker. She uses her gloves in conjunction with her book to cast spells. when they are being used the runes and lines glow a faint orange colour.

she wears no armour, relying on her agility to not get hurt and also support from her friends. if needed she can create the shield.

History: Tarin was one of the orginal warriors who came on this journey. as such she has seen much and grown both mentally and physically. her build fools others into thinking she is weak. she is not though, repeated use of the one offensive spell she knows, fire, has made her very strong in it.
she was from a small farming village where she was raised by her grandmother, the village witch. when her grandmother died Tarin inherited her belongings, a magick book, leather gloves and a small cauldron. soon afterwards a new mayor came into power, this man started a witch hunt as he had former bad dealings with witches and was heavily under the influence of the religious order. before this time the witches had been tolerated and welcomed, now they were chased out of town or burnt at the stake. Tarin managed to escape to the city of Beloth and set up her own small shop helping the cities citizens with their problems in saftey and tolerance. later she was conscripted to the team and the rest is history. Now she is recovering and resting with the twins.

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 Post subject: Re: My toons
PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 7:25 am 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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From Draggy's Coda Conspiracy
Name: KC
Age: 25
Race: Andorian

Appearance: think light from death note, but with blue skin and a less evil persona.

Occupation: journalist.

Pre. Weapon: he is an advocate of "the pen is mightier then the sword", but when in a tight spot his martial art expertise prove useful

Bio: KC, is moving up in the world, he's reported many events like the great rice famine, and the death of the last whale. all of these events have made history and it's his articles which have been cited as often as ever. recently he has been tipped off about something big happening with
Terra Nova, he is determined to break the story and cement himself in the annals of history. KC's parents are both dead, natural causes for their deaths have been pointed to, but he's not so sure.

From Switchblade's: The Battle of Castria.
ound my character.

I chose a human Mage.

Name: Xander

Phyical Description:
hair: Moon Silver
eyes: grey
skin: pale (on a dark night looks undead)

a short sword, which he can enchant.

Light robes

Xander's main magick is that of summoning. infact he doesn't summon creatures to do his bidding, but with the aid of his familiar he can summon mythical creatures to his side. His familiar is a hovering, glowing orb which talks to him through telepathy. it changes colour when danger is nearby (kinda like sting in LOTR). When Xander casts a summoning spell what he infact does is transform his Familiar (named Orb) into a mythical creature.

Emporer Tiger ( a fire beast)
Holy Unicorn (holy)
Onyx Giant (Earth)
Leviathan (water)
Sprite (air)

Xander was trained in a far off school but felt he needed adventure. little did he know that adventure would come knocking at his door. when he just 18 his parents were killed. grieved by this he plunged himself into his studies and concentrated on the archaic arts of the summoner. as his power increased his hair became white and when he finally mastered the basic spells his familiar presented itself to him. his life long companion, Orb, and he ventured south to the city of Castria to aid the war effort.

From Zeratul's: The Kinsolv rebellion
(I know it's Tarin again, but she has more back story here)
Name(Full): Tarin Beckworth
Age: 20
Race: Human
Occupation: Apprentice Wise-woman.
Place of Birth: Tediken (the northern mountainous regions)
Allegence: she's allied to her village mostly and Tediken.

Hair: red, in large, long bunches
Eyes: green, large
Body: petite build
Face: heart shaped, she has thin lips.
Other: her hands and fingers are thin and delicate.

Armor/Garb: she wears black and white striped socks, ankle boots with a curly toe, a short dress which frills out at the skirt section of it, and a white blouse. the dress has shoulder straps, and the blouse is three quarter length. she wears leather finger-less gloves which various symbols embossed on them. her hair is tied with blue ribbons and she does have a typical Wise-Woman hat which resembles a witches hat but with a shorter point, the brim is rather wide. she wears only cloth armor, but this has been enchanted to be a bit more durable than normal linen or cotton. it can withstand light sword strokes, leaving a bruise beneath, but will not resist an arrow or a stronger sword stroke.

Weapon(s): she doesn't carry a weapon really, but she does have a herb gathering knife. her main form of defensive measure is through the spells she can cast. Her gloves we given as a gift by her grandmother and they can be enchanted to give them various properties, including elemental properties and healing properties.

Accessories:she carries with her a leather satchel in which she has various herb pouches and bottles of strange liquids. a small cauldron often accompanies her, as does her familiar (a small squirrel named Squig). she also carries a spell book, which is mostly blank.

Abilities: her book is empty but is slowly getting filled with spells she can use. she has a great knowledge of herbology and healing, as that was her training. she can use her gloves to manipulate elements (though only those immediately around her in the environment), this ability isn't developed far though as it require spells to activate from a largely empty spell book. so you can see where I'd take her development.

History: Tarin grew up in a small village in the foothills of the northern part of Tediken. Her mother died when she was 6 and her father was last seen being recruited to fight in the wars to the south. As such Tarin was raised by her Grandmother and apprenticed to Mother Lyla, the local Wise-Woman. being tutored in the ways of a Wise-Woman Tarin gained a good knowledge of the healing properties of herbs and soon became adept at applying them to treating all ailments that struck her village. the village was a small farming community, providing meat and grain for the south though the main income for the village was through forestry. She discovered a talent for magick at age 18 when, she was treating a neighbour who had had his legs crushed by a falling tree. the prognosis was that he'd live but not walk again. this man was someone who Tarin was to be married too and it pained her to think of a life without him working for an income, during this emotional struggle Tarin noticed white light glowing from her hands and was astonished to discover that somehow she had mended the broken legs of her beloved. It was when this was noticed by her Grandmother that she learned the truth of her heritage.
Her Grandmother was a witch and due to the fear felt by the locals she had been forced to hide that fact, instead living her life as a Wise-Woman. she didn't apprentice Tarin for fear of Tarin discovering her power. but now with Tarin exhibiting these tendencies too Grandmother decided it was time to pass on her skills to Tarin. However when she gave Tarin her book of spells a flash of light emitted from it and when they opened the book they found all the pages were empty bar one, which stated that
"now the book has changed hands, so the spells herein have changed. Seek your own power and fill the pages"
Tarin knew what her path now was, her grandmother gave her a pair of leather gloves and enchanted them to magnify the power Tarin had. When a spell was cast the gloves would glow with power and increase the effect of the spell.
In the two years since this revelation Tarin gained only control over fire and her spell book has gained a few spells, which suddenly appeared there when Tarin accomplished something. after her first successful Fire spell happened she was met by Squig, her red-squirrel familiar who acts as a guide but also companion. also during this time her beloved was called away to fight and so she stays at home waiting for his return, her studies largely forgotten (much to the annoyance of her grandmother).
one morning whilst walking through the nearby glades, Tarin noticed a scrap of paper, which had seemed to have been blown all the way from Avalon, asking for recruits to take back Kinslov from the rebels. Wondering if this is where he beloved was fighting Tarin has decided to travel to Coalset and find the person in charge in the Gull Tavern, to see if her can give her news of her beloved.

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 Post subject: Re: My toons
PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 7:34 am 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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From Aki no Kaze's Time out of memory
Name: Ellwood

Age: 24

Race: Human, Druid

Height: 5'8"

weight: 11stn

Hair: a dark green colour, shoulder length and held in a low pony tail.

eyes: hazel

Appearance: He has leather flip flops, a white cotton shirt with long sleeves which he often rolls up, a small leather waistcoat (vest in american english) which he leaves unbottoned. around his wrists are beaded braclets with various charms enchanted on them. he wears mid calf length shorts made from cotton as well. the loose clothing make it easy for him to use his powers. he also carries a satchel in which he collects herbs and samples of things he finds, along with a small pestle and mortar and a flint and tinder. he also carries a pair of leather gloves for when plants prove impossible to grasp otherwise.

Status/job: works for the Leonite and the Eldred Spyridon as apprentice to Herb master Loden. Loden is also a druid, and is cheif herb master, he uses his time to research uses for plant based medicines. his greatest discovery so far was the cure for the rabbit pox outbreak 15 years ago. Ellwood studied as a druid and herbalist and graduated at the top of his class. some say there is elven blood in his veins, he doesn't know the far reaches of his lineage though. he is training to be the next herb master, replacing Loden.

Weapon of choice: he has no weapons per say, he believes things should be sorted out through peaceful discussion, not violence. however if the need were to ever arise he has training in the use of staves. which he can summon, or grow if you like, quickly from a nearby plant. different plants, he's found, have granted his staves different properties.

Personality: patience and understanding make Ellwood a very good druid. for the most part he is often out in the community, helping farmers deal with a blight to crops or figure out why the rain hasn't fallen in weeks. he has limited control of the weather magicks and he has skill in using plants to do his bidding. he also can have a understanding of animals yet not openly converse with them. he's liked by most people but on the whole keeps himself to himself and studies hard. he takes pride in his work and can be very serious.

From Draggy's : ying and Yang (the one where Eron was made)
Name: Eron
race: Woran
age: 22 (which is old in his clan)
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 158lbs
Build: Muscular yet lean,
Hair: Orange and black,
eyes: Green, pupils in horizontal slits.
Defining Features: see picture!

Weapon of choice: twin blades

Others: has heightened sense's, and ability to merge in to shadows to POUNCE!! Magick over lightning!

Personality: Greatly respectful of Oran and Raven, they gave him a new lease of life. he is caring and coniderate and will defend a friend to the death.

History: His Cat Clan (Woran) was attacked in the old times and wiped out, he was found by Members of Orans and Ravens clan who decided to bring him up and train him in their ways. he has remained loyal to them. he doesn't know who attacked his people and can't remember much about them, all he knows is that he is the lone survivor of a once elegant people.

From the same RP
Jengal (When I also introduced Jazel)
1st new characters

Name : Scias
Race: Canum
Age: 111

Appearance: wears a green robe, has white and brown fur, carries a samurai sword along with a walk staff. he is a shaman and as such can heal wounds and conjoure small magicks.

Name: Jengal
Race: Canum
Age 21

21 is young for a Canum and Jengal is still a puppy to his people. he is in training to be the next shaman, and as a result is always foung with Scias.

2nd, what has happened?

well my last thread was set just towards the end of the fight between the merged twins and cathal, I'm assuming that is going to happen of course. It basically follows right on from where Jazel took Ciarda and Jason up the river to the boarder lands, this happend just before Cathal and the twins faught.
Her demands are that Eron find them and battle Jason for rulership. the amulet and ring are going to play an important role here. basically Jason amulet belongs to the king, whoever they may be at the time, and Cathal has manipulated it's power causing ti to be evil. the ring of Jazel is the queens property, (which explains why Jazel has it in BFC as she is queen alongside Eron's king) it too has been turned evil by Cathal.
now when Eron eventually goes to Worent, the city, and fights Jason he beats Jason in an evolved form and wins the amulet back, with this final hold from Cathal gone Jason can pass in peace and the amuet is purged of it's evil.
Jazel escapes the battle and Eron and Ragon rescue Ciarda. before they go Eron learns of the fate of his people from Scias and then leaves Worent, vowing to return one day to start anew. (it will happen at the end of battle when Jessica brings the old Worent to the present and feat of huge magick and the final use of her manipulation of the past)

Scias fits into this all by being a knowledgeable one. he finds Jazel and can see how the ring she wears is controling her still, he heals Jason and leads them to worent. he is aware of what is to be done and doesn't want to interupt. he pays attention to Ciarda and heals her wings but convinces her to stay, as he feels a loved one is coming to rescue her.

and so Eron and Jason fight, Eron wins and they go back to the swan clan.

Now I don't know what you intend for the other characters but these are my thoughts about mine. while this is going on I'm sure that the other characters will be doing something other then standing around waiting for Eron and Ragon to return. BTW the journey will be longish, as they have to go by foot, it gives time for me and EX to develop Ragon and Eron's frienship further!

wow, it's odd how I get moments like this where I just can't stop typing. I want to help make the story, but I'm aware I'm not the only one in it. let me know what you think Dragyness.

many thanks for reading this.

From Consti's Battle for Control
(first real bio of Jazel)
Name: Jazel
Age: 25
race: woran
Appearance: Cat/human, wears a blue halter top, has red hair and uses blue leg guards.
weapon: staff with claws on the ends.

Abilities: she has super human agility and heightend sense's. she wears a medalion of her people with a cats eye embosed upon it, given to her by her lover Eron, this bestows upon her rage energy which can increase her attack stamina and strength.

History: she always thought she and he brother, Jason were alone and as children their will was manipulated to hate those they thought had killed her clan. when they met Eron they were confused and faught with him, Jason was killed by his old master shortly after Eron had made them see the error of their ways. Jazel soon turned on her old master and showed him the error of his ways. she fell in love with Eron and they lived a happy life in the village of Raven and Oran. Jazel is now seeking adventure with a mutual friend Ragon, Eron has been left to care for their baby, Jessica.

From Ex's Legions of Darkness
Travis' first appearance (he changed an awful lot)
Travis Collins

Age 16
hair: green
eyes: Hazel
Race: Human/priest of the order of the woodland

Bio: Aquaintence of Nikki,he leads a seperate life, one in which he is a priest in a forgotten order of the woodland. this order bestows life giving power to it's members. they can't bring back human life, but they can create living energy, woodland elementals if you like, which they send to do their bidding.

Appearance: Wears green and brown clothing, part of ceremonial robes. he has a belt pouch in which he carries magick dust. a simple thing that can do simple tasks, like open locks.

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 Post subject: Re: My toons
PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 7:41 am 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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From Angel of Death's And So the world Crumbles
(Jess' first appearance)
Name: Jess
Age: 25
Gender: F
Occupation: EX Member of underground Vampire Resistance group.
weapons: cross bow and quiver of bolts. twin daggers which fit into quiver for easy access.
Race: Human with elven ancestory (goes back millenia and only apparent sign is slight point to ears and good eyesight.)
Bio: Jess has always held the Vampires high on her hit list. She has hated them since before she could remember, there is some internal force that drives her hatred. so when her parents were carted off to be 'blood donors' she ran away and joined a resistance group in the dome city. here she spent 5 years of successful raids on vampires and made a significant dent in their campaign, however, soon the vampires sent reinforcements and they ceased power back and smashed the resistance. leaving her for dead they left the dome city a blaze. Jess was able to regain conciousness but not before she was badly burnt and as a result she wears a high collar to her long leather coat to hide her scars on her jaw. her hair is flame red and she wears clompy heavy black boots (covered in buckles) she found a crossbow and made some quivers for it, tipping each one in garlic essence, then she left the dome (or what was left of it) and went in search of the head vampire, in a bid to take him down. thus she starts he journey, with not an ounce of thought as to where she'll go, just solid resolve.

My early toon from Serenity's High Council of Elders (if I think her name will she return? that thought scares me).
Name: Fyre Sun-dancer
Eyes: Copper
hair: Dark Red
Race: Volcanian
Gender: Male
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 160lbs
element: Fire
Description: strong and muscular, has a determination that makes kings of Volcania strong.
history: The Heir to the Volcanian throne. has always had a fasination with Lowlanders, however has never been down from the mountin until now. he has come now in the hope of finding aid for his homeland, against the darkness.
-uses a sabre as his main weapon, has some knowledge of explosives.
-has the sacred amulet of protection, which protects him from heat, in all it's forms,
-has little/no knowledge of lowland species
-rides a battle horse named fleetfoot.
-has volcanian armour, forged from a metal that is strong yet light. (not mithril)
-can speak dwarven, due to sharing mountin home.
-has a sixth sense tracking skill.
-Takes time to build up trust with others.

and that's all I think. sorry for taking up so much space, but for me at least it's all in one place :P.
if you managed to read through all of it, well I take my hat off to you.

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