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 Post subject: My poetry (and a few lyrics)
PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 4:52 pm 
Cererean Princess
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Right, I've been wriing quite a lot of poetry recently. I find it helps me get my feelings down and express them, and I've dropped Art in school for my own Art.

Well, here they are.

The Falcon

Wings spread, I soar
How air from Human roads taking me skyward
My perfect eyes drink in the sights

Look, a mouse. There!
I dive, wings flattened against my body
Talons ready, I capture the prey

Settling, I eat
The life of the mouse now mine
Keeping me alive for another day

The Vampire - a Teaching Poem

Keep one eye open, ever aware
Be alert at the slightest move
If you see, stand extra still
Do not let them catch you

Bite you, they will
Their venom filling your system
Changing you, your system now alien
No longer Human, as you are now

The hunger pangs, they'll consume
The desire for blood, ever present
Overwhelming, you'll try to resist
But it'll be there, nagging away at you till you fail

Of an antidote, we tried to find
But the tech has gone, we cannot do it
Live with it, you will try
But estrange yourself from society, you must

The Dragonrider

My hands on scale, my knees on too
I feel the mighty Dragon beneath me, bearing us Skyward
The rush of exhilaration drowns out all thoughts
Till we are soaring, Terra below us

We swerve to the right, coming round in a tight circle
All worries forgotten in the moment
Nothing can touch us, we are invincible
Anything that tries, a cinder

Hanging there, beneath Heaven and Earth
Peace at last
That moment

Free Your Mind

What must I do, to free your mind?
Tell me please, for I cannot do it
I can equip me with the tools, but you must make the choice
The Red Pill or the Blue?

Your mind is trapped, held by the Matrix of Society
If you step out of line, then Agents will come
You'll be classed as mental, and hauled off
Such is the cost of freedom

Only you can make the choice, you still have free will
Act, deny your programming
Be who you are, not who they want you to be
Only you can choose. Make the choice.

So what do you all think? I've got a lot more where that came from, including Lyrics for a song and a poetic dialogue.

Formerly DragonRider. Almost teenage me could have been more imaginative with names.

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 Post subject: Re: My poetry (and a few lyrics)
PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 5:10 pm 
Matrix Operator
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The Dragonrider is my favorite. Nice poetry. :)

The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as everything you've ever wished for.

-Tucker Max

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 Post subject: Re: My poetry (and a few lyrics)
PostPosted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 8:20 am 
Cererean Princess
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Glad you liked it. Here are more:

Rise up and Seize

What has happened to us?
Where has the urge to explore gone?
We’ve let ourselves be bound, we’re not meant to live like this,
My entire being screams ‘Escape!’

Society crushes me, tries squeezing me out of myself
I will not let them! The drive to survive is strong,
I cannot let them win.

It is hard, but I shall not give in
Though everyone may fall away, I shall stand
Alone if I must
Tyranny cannot be permitted, and I can’t permit it
Though it is difficult, I’ll struggle on

Regroup! Resiste! Do not let them win!
Return to yourselves, rediscover who you are
Oppressed since the day you were born, now is the time to seize your freedom.

See it all

What’s up with you, why do you hate the truth?
What makes it so painful to bear?
Is it that it destroys your paradigm, makes everything new?
Please tell me, for I do not know

My mind, it cannot comprehend you
You try telling me to see the bigger picture, while you can’t see yourself
Then I do, and it all becomes so clear
But I can’t pull your eyes from the small section that interests you

Let go, tear your eyes from it,
Let your mind appreciate it all
Do not focus on one small part, drink it in,
Then you shall see the truth, and be free

Can’t you see?


Can’t you see who I am? Is it not plain to your eyes?
I know myself better than you do.
Where were you when my neurons developed?
Can you see every thought, every memory, every experience of mine?
Stop pretending, start asking,
Treat me like I’m Hnau, do not judge,
You cannot Grok me.
Until you do so, you lack Empathy,
Face it, and don’t pretend.
My mind cannot be fathomed by yours,
Just as I cannot fathom yours.
I can’t see anything from your point of view,
Because I’m not you.
Can’t you face it? You’re wrong
Seek the truth, see the truth
Be free.

(Hnau is a Malacandran term from C.S. Lewis which covers all sentient/sapient beings; Grok is another SF term which means to understand fully)

Curist-Me Poetic Dialogue

(Curist): What’s wrong with you? You have a disease
You need a cure, you need fixing
Your mind does not work right
Here, let me help

(Me): No, I don’t need help
I don’t need a cure
I’m fine as I am
My mind works as it is, just differently to yours

(Curist): You know, you won’t function in society as you are
You’ll go to an Institution
You won’t be able survive outside of one
Unless… you let us help

(Me): It’s part of who I am, it doesn’t need changing
To change it would be to change me
Have you considered the possibility that society’s flawed?
Maybe you’re working for the wrong side

(Curist): What about the others? Those who aren’t as able as you?
You would have them suffer, locked away for their life
They, unlike you, are low functioning
You’d have their parents suffer

(Me): Those allegations are false
I don’t want anyone to suffer
I’m okay with deleting negatives
But leave the positives alone

I Have Emotions - Lyrics

Let your anger flow
Straight from your heart, through the keyboard to the page
Just write it out
So that everyone may know how you feel

So I do, and here it is
My thoughts exactly, well maybe not
I tried telling you it, but you didn’t listen
No-one ever listens to me

I can cope with change, despite your protestations
I have emotions, despite your protestations
I can cope on my own; you don’t need to hold me now
I don’t need your acceptance, yet I request it

I’m old enough now, I’ve seen the truth
I don’t need your hand anymore
I can make my own decisions; you don’t need to make them for me
They affect me, so let me decide

There are signs that times are changing
Still, the wind changes slowly
While it does, I still suffer
I want to spread my sail and catch the winds of change

[Fading away] I can cope with change, despite your protestations
I have emotions, despite your protestations
I can cope on my own; you don’t need to hold me now
I don’t need your acceptance, yet I request it

I can cope with change, despite your protestations
I have emotions, despite your protestations
I can cope on my own; you don’t need to hold me now
I don’t need your acceptance, yet I request it

I can cope with change, despite your protestations
I have emotions, despite your protestations
I can cope on my own; you don’t need to hold me now
I don’t need your acceptance, yet I request it [/fading away]

The Lyrics may change; it's a song afterall. I'm working out a melody to it, and I'll probably post the notes when I have the tune.

Formerly DragonRider. Almost teenage me could have been more imaginative with names.

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 Post subject: Re: My poetry (and a few lyrics)
PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 5:19 pm 
Wandering Dragon
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Joined: Sun Feb 18, 2007 6:16 am
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All I can say is that all your poems are really good, I dont have a favourite becuase they are all great! The Falcon one was good, and the matrix one and the dialogue one, the lyric one sounds like it should go with a Linkin Park song (great), and I like all the ones that address society and human emotions, brilliant!

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 Post subject: Re: My poetry (and a few lyrics)
PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 9:06 am 
Cererean Princess
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Well, I don't consider them particularly great, but that's because I'm comparing them to the other great poets here.

About the lyrics: I know they sound like Linkin Park. I can imagine Chester singing them.

My mum thinks I should publish them. Don't know how to do that though.

Formerly DragonRider. Almost teenage me could have been more imaginative with names.

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 Post subject: Re: My poetry (and a few lyrics)
PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 6:07 am 
Wandering Dragon
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Well, theres a few people here who will know about that...youll have to ask someone.... But I think they are great anyway, so you like Linkin Park? yaaay!

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 Post subject: Re: My poetry (and a few lyrics)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 8:48 am 
Cererean Princess
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Well, they whine a lot, though...

I've got a lot of stories, but nearly all of them aren't finished. I've got one I need to finish writing the last... page or so?

Formerly DragonRider. Almost teenage me could have been more imaginative with names.

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 Post subject: Re: My poetry (and a few lyrics)
PostPosted: Fri May 15, 2009 4:56 pm 
Cererean Princess
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A song of Dragonrider

What's up with this place? (provisional title)

Everything's dying here
Everyone's lying here
Nothing is new here
Why can't anyone see?

This place is driving me insane
Everything here is the same
Monotonous, boring, it's acting like a drain
I'm losing it all, losing it all...

Trying to make you see
Trying to make you listen to me
You're so deadened to it, you don't feel it
You're trying to make me fit it

This place is driving me insane
Everything here is the same
Monotonous, boring, it's acting like a drain
I'm losing it all, losing it all...

An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind
But the child of the blind will not be blind themselves
This whole society needs a cornea transplant
To give you back your sight, then maybe you will see

This place is driving me insane
Everything here is the same
Monotonous, boring, it's acting like a drain
I'm losing it all, losing it all...

This place is driving me insane
Everything here is the same
Monotonous, boring, it's acting like a drain
I'm losing it all, losing it all...

That's it as it is at the moment. No tune,and the lyrics aren't totally finished. I still need to do the finishing touches.

Formerly DragonRider. Almost teenage me could have been more imaginative with names.

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 Post subject: Re: My poetry (and a few lyrics)
PostPosted: Fri May 15, 2009 5:18 pm 
Matrix Operator
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We should start a band. I can play the drum(ming on countertops) and you can do (air) guitar.

The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as everything you've ever wished for.

-Tucker Max

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 Post subject: Re: My poetry (and a few lyrics)
PostPosted: Sat May 16, 2009 7:25 am 
Cererean Princess
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I'm learning the Bass.

Formerly DragonRider. Almost teenage me could have been more imaginative with names.

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