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 Post subject: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 6:49 pm 
Matrix Operator
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Location: Aboard Mark XIV No. 62 hovership "Mjolnir"
Time/Date Stamp: 21:04:44 6-10-09

Earth drifted through the eternal midnight of space, as serene as a sleeping virgin. Around the planet, twinkling lights rested immovable in the heavens.
Until one moved. Seperating from the others, the growing object revealed itself to be a small asteroid, which began accelerating as it entered Earth's gravitational field. Normally, a rock this small would burn up in reentry, without posing any harm to the planet's inhabitants.
But this rock was different. Resisting erosion, it hurtled straight for the coast of California, breaking into three separate pieces, one of which headed straight for a local beach...

A Bon Jovi song echoed across the beach. "How low, can you go! How low, can you go!" the crowd chanted as Kayla carefully edged under the limbo bar, emerging on the other side with a triumphant grin. "Made it!" she shouted, taking a quick drink out of the bottle in her hand. "Melody, Kira, one of you want to try it?" she teased, swaying slightly. "Betcha can't beat that!"
Overhead, a blazing fireball streaked across the night sky, slamming into the beach with a concussive shockwave that threw people around like bowling pins. Staggering to her feet, shattered bottle still clutched in one hand, Kayla rubbed her eyes, usure of what was happening.

OCC: Have your first post start a few minutes before the impact.

The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as everything you've ever wished for.

-Tucker Max

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:40 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon
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Location: a brain. i think it's mine. not sure though...
Melody closed her eyes and saw the tones send ripples and spheres of color through her mind. Bon Jovi definitely rocks she thought, then opened her eyes to see what the others were up to. She saw Kayla doubled over backwards under the limbo pole, and couldn't help laughing.

Suddenly a shrieking noise pierced her head. She couldn't see, couldn't hear anything but the scream and a sudden explosion that sent her reeling backwards. Clutching her head, she opened her eyes wide enough to see the wave of the sound travel in a ring around the beach and out to sea.

Now and then I announce "I know you're listening" to empty rooms. If I'm wrong, no one knows. And if I'm right, maybe i just freaked the hell out of some secret organization. It's basically Paschal's wager for the paranoid prankster.

~~ http://www.xkcd.com ~~

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 9:12 pm 
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I looked over at Kayla as she slowly inched her way under the limbo pole and smiled. A thought of contempt lingered in the back of my mind for such a trivial feat to warrant such attention. “Perhaps it’s just simply having a good time with friends” I voiced out loud.
“What about a good time?” a voice inquired behind me. I began to reply slowly turning around, eyes still on Kayla as she cheered and spoke to Melody and Kira,
“I was-” I began to say when a fireball appeared overhead and crashed knocking everyone flat as the crash sent sand everywhere. I stood up quickly trying to find out what happened, but my head seemed to only spin faster and I tumbled over. Finally I got to my feet and peered around.

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 4:41 pm 
Solitary Serpent
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Location: I don't know! Stop yelling at me!
Blayke was enjoying a game of volleyball with a few guys he a met just earlier that day. The ball was headed his way, and Blayke jumped. SPIKE! And with that, his side had won the game. They took a break. Blayke smiled as he looked around. The sun, the waves, the nice breeze, the girls. . .Yep, California was definitely a good choice for a vacation. Blayke grabbed his bottle of water, threw his head back, and began to guzzle down the rest of his water. But something stopped him mid-swallow. Something was falling, headed straight for the beach.
Pointing to sky, he yelled at his teammates, "Guys, we gotta move! Move NOW!" Blayke pushed everyone to run. He brought up the rear of the crowd. He hadn't made it far when he heard and felt the crash. Something slammed into his back, and something tangle around his leg. Blayke crashed to the ground and tumbled. Somewhat regaining his composure, he clumsily sat up. His eyes burned, and he couldn't see. Sand had got into them. Spitting sand from his mouth, he felt his leg. His hand came in contact with what felt like the volleyball net and blood. He could hear others around him. Good, there were other survivors. Blayke's eyes watered, and he tried to blink the sand from them. His sight began to come back gradually. He could at least see blurs now.

Makla IS a turkey, no matter what he says. . .

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 5:21 pm 
Matrix Operator
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Kayla stumbled numbly forward, dazed by the blast. Around her she could hear several people screaming for help, one for a doctor, but she felt inexorably drawn to the crater.
Water pooled into it, vaporizing as it came into contact with the smoking hot... cube?

Kayla rubbed her eyes again, and looked closer. Sure enough, the object was a perfect cube of glowing red material, about the size of a baseball. Overcome by a sudden desire, she knelt down and reached for the meteorite. It felt surprising cool to the touch as her fingers brushed its smooth surface.

In a blinding flash, a surge of crackling energy surged up her arm. Kayla spasmed uncontrollably as electricity surged through her, bathing her in a bright gray aura. Almost as soon as it started, it ended, leaving her lying unconscious on the sand, the cube limply held in one hand.

The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as everything you've ever wished for.

-Tucker Max

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 5:34 pm 
Wandering Dragon
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Kira had been watching the goings on when the impact hit. She thought she was dead. The noise was so loud. When she recovered, she heard people crying and immediatley wanted to help everyone. She limped forward, confused as to which way to go, and then saw Kayla on the ground in an enormous crater that was not there before. Cautiously, disorientated, she apprached, and gently shook Kayla, trying to revive her. Then Kira noticed the object tha must have created the impact.
What is this thing? Something, like a magnetic thread pulled her arm towards the objetc, she saw her reflection briefly in the water, then knew no more, as the world went black and cold. Her Last thought was What about the others?

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 9:15 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon
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Location: a brain. i think it's mine. not sure though...
"Whoa...." Melody rolled over and pushed herself off the ground, and her eyes immediately went to the crater in the middle of the beach. "What the-"
she saw Kayla and Kira just lying next to it. "Omigod!!" She ran towards them, was going to see if they were dead or alive or hurt or.....

Her head snapped around to the object, the - cube - in the middle of the crater. She forgot all about her friends, the only thing on her mind was to get closer to the cube....and as she touched it, she heard and saw a huge crack of energy, and then nothing.

Now and then I announce "I know you're listening" to empty rooms. If I'm wrong, no one knows. And if I'm right, maybe i just freaked the hell out of some secret organization. It's basically Paschal's wager for the paranoid prankster.

~~ http://www.xkcd.com ~~

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 9:16 am 
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“Oooh hell” Witmore said in an achy drawn out fashion as he spat sand from his mouth getting to his feet. He looked himself up and down for injuries, seeing none he scanned the area around him. “What in God’s good name happened here” I asked himself. He then caught glimpse of Melody by a crater just as she was thrown on her back by something.

Witmore approached the crater cautiously, as he did so he saw Kira and Kayla also lying around the crater. Witmore turned his eyes to the center where the he saw an ominous cube. His eyes were transfixed by it and he drew closer to it. He knelt down besides it and slowly extended his hand towards the cube. Suddenly he felt a wave of energy wash over him as an eight foot tall wave of water that sent him flying off his feet from the cube lying, once again, unconscious in the sand.

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 12:51 pm 
Matrix Operator
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Kayla was first to revive, the world spinning crazily around her. In the distance, sirens wailed as emergency rescue personnel converged from all directions. Looking at her hand, she saw she was holding the cube, which was crackling with electrical energy, some of which was coursing through her. Oddly, she felt nothing.
Looking around she saw the others lying around her. "They must have been knocked out by the blast," she said out loud, but almost as soon as she saw Witmore, she knew that they'd been sturck down by the cube as well. "What are you?" she murmurred, bringing the object up to eye level.
Somehow, the cube reached out to her. She heard a faint whisper, saying, You are the Altor, they are the Altors... power against power...

The world blurred as Kayla felt herself being altered, physically and mentally, by the artifact, tendrils extending from it to all the others, changing them, too, into something more...

The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as everything you've ever wished for.

-Tucker Max

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 1:23 pm 
Solitary Serpent
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Blayke could see a few blurry people in front of him near a newly formed crater. He didn't remember leaving anybody behind. Were they still alive? He staggered to his feet. Dragging the net that still clung to his leg, he made his way towards the small group. There were three people lying on the ground and one girl sitting, holding something that shimmered. It drew Blayke in, and he had the undeniable urge to touch it, to take it from the girl. Without a word, he snatched at it. His hand glided over it's smooth surface, but he could not grasp it. Suddenly, his vision cleared. Evrything was focused, then too bright, then all white. Blayke stumbled, and everything went black just as he hit the ground.

Makla IS a turkey, no matter what he says. . .

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 4:49 pm 
Matrix Operator
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Whatever it was, it was dangerous, but for some reason Kayla thrust it into her pocket, then knelt next to Melody and Whitmore, shaking both. "Guys? Are you all right? Melody?" Something was tugging at her senses, a faint knowledge that both were alive, and that one of the those knocked unconscious was waking up.

The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as everything you've ever wished for.

-Tucker Max

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 5:28 pm 
Solitary Serpent
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Blayke slowly regain consciousness. But something felt odd, like tiny fingers gripping at every part of his being. It wasn't alarming, but rather somewhat comforting. He heard a female's voice somewhere nearby.
"Yeh. . .yeh. . .I'm fine. . .," he answered even though he knew she wasn't addressing him. Blayke sat up and turned towards the girl. She was knelt over two others who seemed to be unconscious.
Blayke's eyes still stung a bit. He blinked and rubbed them as he stood up and walked towards the girl. The volleyball net was still wrapped around his leg but no longer embedded, no longer hurting. Only dried blood and an already healed scar was the sign of any injury. But Blayke didn't pay it any heed.
"Hey, need help?" he asked the girl.

Makla IS a turkey, no matter what he says. . .

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 8:12 pm 
Matrix Operator
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"Something happened, the crash..." Kayla shook Kira's shoulder. "Can you help me wake them, please?" Her eyes met him, but unbeknowst to her, they were swirling, changing from blue to a strange silver color.

Inside her mind, Kayla was hearing voices, whispering thoughts that weren't hers. in addition, she was becoming aware of the presence of everyone around her, hearing them after a bizarre fashion

The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as everything you've ever wished for.

-Tucker Max

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 10:15 pm 
Solitary Serpent
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The girl turned and met his gaze. Her eyes were. . .changing colors! Blayke gave her a quizzical look and rubbed his own eyes which which were becoming dull and cloudy, making him look as if he were blind.
"I. . .um. . .y-. . .," Blayke stuttered as he stared at her, looking confused. Suddenly, Blayke turned away as if snapping out of a trance.
"Water might help." He scanned the surrounding beach. There was an empty water bottle nearby. Blayke stumbled away from the crater towards the bottle, pick it up, and headed for the water. After filling the bottle up, he turned back towards the girl, tripping over the net still wrapped around his leg. Righting himself, he made his way back and handed the girl the bottle.
"Splash some on their faces," he told her as he plopped down beside her and began untangling himself from the net.
Impossible! he thought to himself as he removed the net to reveal the completely healed gash on his leg surrounded with dried blood.

Makla IS a turkey, no matter what he says. . .

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 10:32 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon
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Location: a brain. i think it's mine. not sure though...
Melody tried to scream as cold water drenched her face and she sat straight up. But all that came out was a high-pitched nothing of a noise.
Suddenly, her vision was flooded with beach, people, trees, cars, waves, all floating through her mind as if they were part of a map...
"Aaah" She groaned and held her hands to her head, trying to shake off the images.
Then she noticed the people around her in several stages of shock and confusion. "What the hell happened?" she asked Kayla. "What was that cube-thing?"

Now and then I announce "I know you're listening" to empty rooms. If I'm wrong, no one knows. And if I'm right, maybe i just freaked the hell out of some secret organization. It's basically Paschal's wager for the paranoid prankster.

~~ http://www.xkcd.com ~~

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 11:45 pm 
hufflepuff head of house
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Location: cross sections of spira, world that never was, hoenn, hogwarts, and the pegasus galaxy
OOC: i siad i would post later oh and my character does not glow when unconcious

[i]What had happenned? he had been late for the party and running to it saw some shooting stars but did not stop running tripped and as he had fallen into unconciousness he had heard an explosion. he was evedentaly coming back to conciousness because he could hear voices talking about water[/i]

Opened his eyes and sprang to his feet. How odd he thought have i been unconcious all night? For the surrounding area was basked into seemingly daylight then he looked down and realised that he was glowing. he walked into a clearing and was surprised at how big a crater there was. he saw some alert people and ran over to them yelling "hey guys, what happened

To the well organized mind death is but the next great adventure

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 9:44 am 
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Witmore suddenly regain consciousness and opened his eyes. He was lying flat on his back and was staring at the sun. In the distance he heard voices and screams, but he felt himself getting…stronger as Witmore stared unblinkingly at the sun.
A minute layer of clouds rolled in and blocked the sun from view; Witmore blinked and shook his head and broke his strange trance. He sat up and looked around; he saw Melody next to him wet as though someone dumped water on her. “Are you alright?” he asked her. He slowly stood up and glanced back on where he was just laying, he noticed a patch of grass. “Wait, that couldn’t have been there before; could it?

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 11:04 am 
Wandering Dragon
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Kira slowly opened her eyes as she felt the water splash onto her face and someone shaking her. "K-Kayla... what happened..?" She noticed a guy standing next to her, he was the one who had thrown the water on her. Suddenly, Kira became aware of a great burning sensation across the side of her face and down her left arm, "Ahhhh, my arm!!" She breifly saw paramedics heading there way, she felt herself losing conscieness again, and briefly saw the changing colours of Kaylas eyes... then she thought, rather than heard Kayla's voice saying something in her mind like, Its going to be ok, they are coming....

OOC: Are we all going to wake up in hospital? My power will appear later, when im at home... probably once we are out of the hospital...

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 1:02 pm 
Matrix Operator
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OCC: Some of us may end up in a hospital, some not, you can choose. THough I doubt Ersska's character will end up there.

IC: Kayla stared numbly as paramedics transfered Kira to a stretcher. "I don't know," she replied to Melody, "I don't know." Remembering, she pulled it out of her pocket, revealing a small, cubic stone that shimmered with the colors of the rainbow. She heard, in her mind, more foreign thoughts, of pain, confusion. Answering Whitmore's thought, she added, "Something is happening to us, something to do with the cube. We have to hide it."

The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as everything you've ever wished for.

-Tucker Max

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 7:05 pm 
Solitary Serpent
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"Whoa. . .wait just a minute, Swirly. . .," Blayke directed at the girl with the changing eyes. "You mean to tell me that that little square rock caused all of this?" He looked around the beach at the scattered sand, injured people, and various debris. Blayke looked back at the girl, skeptical.

Makla IS a turkey, no matter what he says. . .

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 7:20 pm 
Matrix Operator
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"M' names Kayla," she murmurred in response. Turning to face away from the emergency personnel, she held the cube up, staring into its depths. "And don't ask me how I know." She frowned. "Why did you call me "Swirly"... this isn't about that incident in the third grade, is it?"

The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as everything you've ever wished for.

-Tucker Max

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 7:40 pm 
Solitary Serpent
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"Third grade? Darlin', I was on the other side of the continent in third grade," Blayke chuckled. Although he didn't know her, he instantly knew what she was talking about. He stared off towards the horizon. Swirlies were always good for a few laughs.
Still staring off, he continued, "You can't tell me that with eyes like that, you don't at least have a few nicknames."

Makla IS a turkey, no matter what he says. . .

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 8:13 pm 
Matrix Operator
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"Eyes like what?" Kayla suddenly saw a mental image of herself as she looked now from Blayke, frowned, and tilted the clear bottle until she saw her reflection. "Holy... what's happening to me? Why are my eyes silver?" A pause. "And how did I know that before I looked?" For the first time she noticed Blayke's own eyes. "And you... your eyes are..." With a sudden idea, she focus on a mental picture of his face and pictured the image appearing in Blayke's mind.

The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as everything you've ever wished for.

-Tucker Max

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 8:55 pm 
Godsin Queen
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ooc: this might be long since I'm going to go ahead and start from the begening, until I'm caught up.

Ic: Leela had been watching both the vollyball game, and the limbo from a distance. She'd never been too fond of people, but she'd learned to tolerate them since they came to the beach lodge she lived at constaintly. Especialy durring spring break. She suspected this was the reason for the crowds that peresently surrounded her.

The waves crashed gently agaisnt her ankles, beconning her to go further into it's soothing coolness, and she would have if she didn't have one of her prized books in her hands. Her books where he only thing she had close enough to friends. They were always there for her when she needed a way to escape from the world.

She ran her fingers across the character that rested on it's face. It was a picture of a goddess rising though a patch of clouds. She smiled endearly, thinking of what it might be like to be that goddess on the cover of her book. Gracefully dancing around like a feather in the wind, without a care in the world. The thought was almost exilerating.

Suddenly there was noise that was so horrible she almost dropped the book she had in tow. There was a flash of light and the ground shook beneath her feet, sending her sailing to the ground.
A collection of screams and shoughts rose though the air, and as she strugled to stand to her feet she saw several pairs of leggs and feet dashing past her. Which made her go into a panic. What could they all be running from? Had the ground begun to split in two? She tried to calm herself by keeping the thought of how silly tourists could be in mind.

One of the party goers could have just set off some kind of firework not knowing how to use it or something. This seemed to work, so she kept using the thought. With this in mind she rose to her feet, and with her book clutched to her cheast, she went to investigate the damage to the beach.

It looked like whatever it was left an enormous crater in the ground. She shuddered at the though of how many ground movers it would take to repair the damage. She'd never liked them coming to the beach to bring in more sand. She thought to keep a mental note to ask the beach comity to have some supervise any more late night parties that were held out on "her" beach.

Inside the creater however was a strange red block, which curiously enough she watch as others touched it one by one, each one fainted soon after touching it. Which was even more curious. Could this be some kind of alian aircraft? It defenatly wasn't a firework, that was for sure.

Now more curious than ever, she cautiously made her way down to the object, but just before she was in it's reach she tripped over a lump in the sand and fell. Still clutching to her book with one hand, she reached out for the ground below with the other attempting to try and stop her fall. Instead her arm was pushed out in front of her and she slid inches away from the strange cube, and her fingertips brushed gently against it.
A stange surge of energy painfuly raced though her body, and blackness consumed the world around her. Her last thoughs where why am I always so clumsy?

Just when it felt that she'd be trapped within the darkness forever something wet hit her in the face, and pulled her back into reality. She opened her eyes to find that the people she'd witnessed falling out had come to, and the block from before was gone.

After abosorbing all that was going on she remembered that she'd had her book with her when she'd fallen. Franticaly she started to hunt it down, and when she couldn't find it she began to panic even more.
"Oh, no! what should I do? I need my book!" She thought to herself scanning the ground around her.

ask one of these people standing here with you silly. someone might have picked it up by now. You have been out of it for a while after all. A strange voice rang in her head spooking her into falling backwards on her rump.

"Oh, no, now I'm going crazy! I have an extra voice in my head! What did that block do to me? Are those other people crazy now too?" She thought to herself.

Beats me, I just got here, and I don't know how to fix it. SO we're kinda stuck with each other. The rung in her head.

"Stuck with each other? There is no you! You are a figment of my imagenation that my brain has made up in responce to some sort of trama! I must have gotten a concusion when I fell. Yeah that's it! I hit my head! Good that means I'm not crazy after all. I just need to rest this off." She was still thinking to herself while scilently sitting where she'd fallen. Still unnoticed by anyone else. Which was something she was used to.

Eh, whatever helps you sleep at night. Now quit trying to reason over why I'm here and ask some one about that book. You can use it as an excusse to figure out what exactly is going on here. the voice sounded a bit annoyed with her.

"Fine, if it will make you leave me alone I'll do it!" She told the voice, thinking that she could get rid of it by pretending to accept it being there in the first place. Cautiously she stepped up to the group and spoke.

uh, I hate to interupt you uh, but I had this book with me, and now I can't seem to find it. Did any of you see it or maybe pick it up by any chance? She asked shyly.

~Once I knew who I was, until I met someone who knew me even better.~

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 9:10 pm 
Solitary Serpent
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"They weren't silver before?" Blayke asked Kayla as she continued to ramble.

"And you... your eyes are..."

"My eyes are green," Blayke finished Kayla's sentence. "Nothing special. I don't see why you're getting so. . ." Suddenly, Blayke saw himself in his mind, sitting as he was now. But something was different about his own eyes. He looked blind. Blayke shook his head, trying to shake the image. His vision was fine. His mind must toying with him. He rubbed his face. Yeh, my mind's just messing with me.

"Uh, I hate to interupt you uh, but. . ."

Another girl spoke up from behind him. Blayke turned towards the voice, dropping his hands from his face and revealing his dulled and cloudy eyes.
"A book? Nope. . .haven't seen it." Blayke attempted a grin. The odd image of himself was still plaguing his mind.

Makla IS a turkey, no matter what he says. . .

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