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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 10:48 pm 
hufflepuff head of house
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OOC sure no problem

IC: After picking himself off the ground Alondor respond by saying “To answer your question in a simple manner, yes how did you know? Either way strange thing have been happening around me. First when I got to my apartment building no one seemed to see me got no idea why. The main reason I called was because I seem to of developed a split personality that can gain at least minor control of my body. Wait he says that if I gave him a chance he could gain control entirely, at least for a little while. Another thing is that I evidently have some control of light like I can bend it to make things, like this.” With that said he makes the imitation cobra he had been practicing with appear and slither towards the girls “that is a combination of solid light and color control, no idea how I actually manage it”

(Come on let me talk to her)


(No need to shout grumpy)

<Sorry if I am not overly pleased with sharing my mind with something close to a psychopath>

To the well organized mind death is but the next great adventure

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 12:44 am 
Solitary Serpent
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"Honestly, I don't know why I stayed. I guess I -," Blayke started to explain then stopped. "Wait. . .two people? In the same body?!" His eyes widened. He realized he was indeed staring at a different person. She had an air about her that Leela didn't show.
"So who are you suppose to be then? And where did Leela go? Did you come from the meteor? Are you an alien? You just go around stealing people's bodies! Where's Leela? What did you do to her?" Blayke managed too keep his voice low, but not calm, as he bombarded fox-Leela with questions. His eyes clouded over even more as his confusion rose, turning his pupils a more faded green and the whites a light gray.

Outside, the wind continued to blow, and the clouds began to darken.

Makla IS a turkey, no matter what he says. . .

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 1:27 am 
Godsin Queen
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So much for not freaking.Leela sighed.

Uh, you really like her don't you? Heh, anywho, this wasn't exactly by choice. I kinda got trapped in here with her. I'm not a body stealer, and trust me I much rather have my own body right now. Plus I'm not one to take over when I know it isn't wanted. You can ask Leela that yourself. Oh, and would you please calm down? You keep going like that and were going to be in the middle of a tornado.Mirravin told her sternly and with all honesty. It was as she suspected, this human had gained an abilty to control the whether.

Yeah, maybe but why did you have to tell him? We're already freakish enough with out him knowing that! Leela grumbled at Mirravin.

"eh, he'd find out sooner or later." Mirravin was quick to point out the obviouse.

~Once I knew who I was, until I met someone who knew me even better.~

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:22 pm 
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Jarrel awoke in the hospital two days later, and that's when the crazy stuff started.

As soon as he awoke, he fell through his bed and his EKG flatlined. He looked at his hands and saw spots of blood where the IVs had been.

This is new, he thought incredoulously. Then he noticed his skin, which once was bronze, but now was nearly pale enough to be translucent.

He quickly slid out from under the hospital bed, found his clothes, got dressed, and ran toward the wall.
I really hope this works and that I'm on the first floor, he thought as he seemingly collided with the wall. He slid through the wall as if it hadn't even existed, and what was wierder, he could feel the wall move through him. What else can I do, he wondered.

He hit the ground, fell through it, then "swam" back to the surface. He then ran his way back to the beach, thanking God that it wasn't that far, and hoping that someone else from the party was there as well.

Let us bring a new Golden Age to Dragnix.

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 3:16 am 
Solitary Serpent
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"Well excuse me for freakin' out just a bit," Blayke said to Mirravin. "But the person sittin' in front of me just grew ears and a tail! That ain't exactly normal. Then, I'm suppose to believe that you're someone different and that there are two of y'all in her body? And what do tornados have to do with any of this?" Blayke sighed and put his head in his hands.
"This is givin' me a headache. . .first my leg and my eyes. . .and now, a split-personality fox girl. . .I'm going crazy," he said, half to himself, half out loud.

Outside, thunder began to rumble.

Makla IS a turkey, no matter what he says. . .

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 12:10 pm 
Wandering Dragon
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Kira listened to Alandors story. "wow, that must be weird with another voice inside you head. Well, Ive just found out that I can change into animals, any animal, Ive been a wolf, a golden eagle, a tiger and a snake."

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 8:04 pm 
hufflepuff head of house
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Alondor replies to Kira with "lucky you get the power to transform and i get to glow and make kind of solid illusions"

To the well organized mind death is but the next great adventure

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 9:27 am 
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"So no one seemed to see you..." Kayla tried to tune out the increasingly bothering fact that she could hear both voices in Alondor's head. "Could you have been bending the ambient light around yourself?"
Overhead, the weather seemed to be worsening. Kayla subconsciously drew her sweatshirt around herself as the sun became obscured by clouds.

The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as everything you've ever wished for.

-Tucker Max

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 9:06 pm 
Godsin Queen
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For the last time! I AM NOT A FIGMENT OF HER IMAGENATION! I am not part of some kind of freaky split persona! I'm me! Mirravin screeched angrily, luckily those sitting in the dinner where too absorbed in the strange worsening weather to notice.

Maybe we all are going crazy.

Mirravin had finally just had enough. she stood up from the table and wrenched Blayke from his chair by his shoulders and looked him straight in the eyes.

I'm leaning toward thinking that human kind is the most idiotic race of beings ever to be born. Do you really want to prove me right? Get a hold of yourself before you kill us all you imbacial She growled still staring him down with such a furry if there had been any more power behind it his eyes would have started to burn.

~Once I knew who I was, until I met someone who knew me even better.~

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 1:54 am 
Solitary Serpent
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Blayke jerked away and returned Mirravin's glare.
"Well if we're so stupid, then why don't you go back to wherever the h*ll you came from! I stayed and tried to understand, figured you'd want someone to talk to. But I will not be spoken to like a child!" Lightning flashed outside. "You're not the only one who's been affected. You think my eyes have always looked like this?!" Blayke's eyes were clouding over even more as he spoke. "I look like I'm blind! And scars don't heal themselves in a day!" He indicated his left calf. "And then, you came along. And I figured we might be able to help each. I knew we both had questions and doubts. But you refuse to answer any of the questions I asked and then took the time to call me names. Well, if that's the way it's gonna to be, I'm outta here." Blayke threw some money down on the table. "That's enough to cover the bill and for you a cab. I'm gone. I have better things to do than deal with that kind of immaturity." And with that, Blayke walked out the door. It had started to rain again. Thunder clapped, and lightning danced through the sky. But he didn't even seem to notice. Leaving his truck parked at the diner, Blayke walked down the street.

Makla IS a turkey, no matter what he says. . .

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 9:29 am 
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Kayla glanced at the gathering storm, a puzzled look on her face. "This storm seems rather sudden…" A sensation of distant, turbulent emotions struck her, and she turned, seeing Blayke step out of the diner, thunder rumbling overhead. "Oh, no, please tell me he's not doing this." She started running towards him, intent on stopping him before he unintentionally summoned a hurricane.

The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as everything you've ever wished for.

-Tucker Max

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 1:01 pm 
Godsin Queen
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Good work! now he hates me!Leela cried!

"Fine! take over and run after him if you wish it. I have no time to deal with people who fail to listen.!" Mirravin was outraged, and would have smacked the boy across the face had she not been holding back her temper.

As promised Mirravin let Leela take back over, and once again the ears and tail were gone. Leela dashed out after Blayke waving his bandanna after him as she went.

Wait! Wait! It's not her fault she's just worried about you! She scared you won't be able to keep from killing yourself if you don't know how to contol yourself. She's a god so she has a hard time expression herself! Oh! Please don't leave me here alone with her! As long as you are here with me it doesn't feel like I'm crazy. Leela pleaded with him, tears steaming down her cheecks.

While Mirravin sat in the back of her mind grummling over not being understood.

~Once I knew who I was, until I met someone who knew me even better.~

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 2:15 pm 
Solitary Serpent
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Still fuming, Blayke listened to what Leela had to say. The fox ears and tail were gone. Hopefully, the crazy girl was, too.
"Worried? That's what you called worried? About killin' myself? I'm not some suicidal maniac. You seem to be the one that needs to control themselves!" Blayke calmed his voice, but an angry undertone still remained. "I'm not sure if I should believe that there are two of you, or if this is just some sick game you play. Either way, I'm not gonna sit around and be talked at!" Blayke felt bad for making Leela cry, but he was still too mad to show he cared. Instead, he simply stood there letting the rain drench him. Finally, he caved in. Why did she have to cry? He could handle anything but the crying. D@mn my soft-heartedness!
"Look," he said more softly but still with a slight growl. "I can't understand if you're not willin' to explain." Blayke let out a heavy sigh. The lightning and thunder ceased, but the rain still plummeted to the earth.

Makla IS a turkey, no matter what he says. . .

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 2:56 pm 
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Kayla swore softly as she stepped in a puddle. Glaring at it, she approached the two. "Hey, were either of you-" Her memory clicked. "Blayke, isn't it? What are you doing here?"

The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as everything you've ever wished for.

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 4:41 pm 
Godsin Queen
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brainless human, must I go into detail with everything? tell him that he is the one making the weather as horrible as it is now. He's letting his emotions contoll it. Mirravin grummbled. Leela got the image of Mirravin huddled in a corner with her arms crossed. It seemed to cheer her up slightly.

I don't know exactly what's going on myself, nether does Mirravin. We just know that after a touched that wierd block thing Mirravin was there. She the goddess from all the books I've been reading, but you see and hear her too so we can't both be going crazy! She keeps going on about you doing something with the weather, and your emotions seeping though or something like that. I don't know you ask her! Just don't leave me alone with her again! I don't want to be crazy! Leela pleaded. While showing him the book she had with her. On the front was a picture of a beautiful silver fox, with the same red tipped ears and tail that kept appearing on Leela.

~Once I knew who I was, until I met someone who knew me even better.~

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 5:36 pm 
Solitary Serpent
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Leela pleas were slowly breaking Blayke down.
"I. . .I tried to ask. I got fussed at." Blayke's tone was now calmer. Leela had pulled a book out and held it in front of him. Blayke stared at the cover.
"You mean, she's from a book?!" He looked at Leela and couldn't help but to feel sorry for her and for fussing at her. The rain stopped, and Blayke looked up at the clouds. Maybe I do have something to do with the weather. It's been raining the whole time I've been upset. I'm such an idiot. How did I not notice? He turned his attention back to Leela. "Leela, I'-"

"Hey, were either of you-"

Blayke was interrupted by a girl coming up the street. It was the girl with the weird eyes. Leaving his sentence unfinished, he answered her. "Hey, Swirls. Leela and I came by for lunch. What are you doin' here? Wait, how did you know my name?"

Makla IS a turkey, no matter what he says. . .

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 6:30 pm 
hufflepuff head of house
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Alondor runs over to where Kayla is and asks, "Besides the fact that these guys are from the party is there a reason you look so flustered?"

(You mean besides the fact that Blayke is causing the storm that is forming above our heads?)

<What that is not possible some of us got powers but weather control is simply impossible with out a bunch of machines>

(Then explain why the storm started calming when Blayke did)

<Well, um... How did you know his name?>

(Simple I looked at the party roster while we left it, you know the thing everyone responded as soon as possible to and I figured who each person likely was)

<OH, well be quiet>

To the well organized mind death is but the next great adventure

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:30 am 
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"Because," Kayla said, answering both questions, "as a result of the crash, or exposure to the cube, or both, I have gained telepathic and telekinetic powers, Alondor here has been manipulating light, Kira has started shapeshifting, and I suspect you, Blayke, created this bizarre weather." She looked at Leela. In addition to the usual mental human presence, there was another, a vast, powerful, and ancient intellect which defied her casual mental probe.
"Something is happening, something big," she said softly.

The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as everything you've ever wished for.

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:22 pm 
Godsin Queen
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Mirravin felt kayla coming toward her and quickly put up a mental shield. Don't pry, I'll kill you, plain and simple. If I want you to see something you'll be the first to know. I have nothing against you, that's just the way it is I'm sure you can understand. Mirravin sent out the same stern warning to anyone who'd ever gotten so close to her thoughts.

"Huh? who are you talking to? I haven't said anything!"

your friend was just taking a look around, nothing to worry yourself over.

"what my friend? what are you talking about?"

oh, just don't worry about it. It's nothing to bother over.
Then Leela finally got it, Kayla just said she'd gotten telepathic powers. Which meant she could read thoughts and root though memories and things like that.

"wait, she was looking around in here and I didn't even know it?"

ha, that's because unless you know what it feels like, or you're looking for it you don't feel it at all. That's the beauty of telekinices The image of Mirravin sat floating in her mind giggling gleefully.

"There's something I've been wondering though."


"I keep seeing images of you sitting in a room in my mind. Is that real?"

well not exactly. From what I can tell, what you are experencing is something your mind started in order for you to grasp the idea of me being in here with you in the first place. The human mind does a lot of reading body language, the fact that you can't see me to read that body language is just too much for your mind to take. Thus the images are created by your own mind to sooth itself.

in truth our souls are taking up the exact same space. Which means if we stay like this for too long we won't be able to split back up again. I suggest we find my body and quick.
Leela didn't exactly like the sound of that.

Something is happening? Like what? It was hard to keep two conversation going at one time, but Leela was actually getting good at it now.

~Once I knew who I was, until I met someone who knew me even better.~

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:42 pm 
Solitary Serpent
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"Great. . .Come to California, get turned into a freak. I don't remember that bein' in the brochure. I feel like I belong in a comic book." Blayke tried to joke, but worry had begun to set in. "So, where in this story does the villian come in? You don't get super powers for no good reason. There's gotta be somethin' else out there. Was there another cube layin' around? Did you find anything else?" He looked to Kayla for the answer. I'm likin' this whole ordeal less and less, he thought to himself.

Makla IS a turkey, no matter what he says. . .

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:56 pm 
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"Well, I tried probing the cube, to see if there was an intelligence behind it, and it said something." She related the rhymes and riddles it had given her. "I haven't tried anything with it since." Frowning internally at Mirravin's statement, she replied, What are you? You don't belong here on Earth, that's for certain.

The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as everything you've ever wished for.

-Tucker Max

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:11 pm 
Godsin Queen
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Earth? earth? ugh, this explains everything! Oh, dear how do I explain this, uh I'm not even from this realm let alone this planet. I was traveling though the space between two realms when I got sucked into this one. I'm a, well I guess you could call me a time lord of sorts. I travel between the realms keeping the order of things in check. In my realm I'm called the Demi of life, and persuasion among other things. I think humans know what demis are right? Anywho, you said this cube spoke to you about some kind of evil force that plans on destroying earth? could, could I see it please?

"wait? who are you talking to now? is it Kayla again? why are you discluding me? what can't you say to both of us?" leela was getting slightly annoyed.

It's a privet conversation my dear. this only annoyed Leela further.

~Once I knew who I was, until I met someone who knew me even better.~

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:01 am 
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If you're not from this planet, I can't guarantee you have Earth's interests at heart. Until you convince me otherwise, I can't allow you direct access to the cube. Leela, yes. Her eyes narrowed slightly. Surely you understand my priorities.

The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as everything you've ever wished for.

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 3:50 pm 
Wandering Dragon
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Kira was listening to what everyone was saying. She looked at Blayke. "Were you really just controlling the weather?"
When Kayla mentioned the cube and brought it out Kira was shocked.
"Did you have this thing all this time? It could be dangerous! Does it really talk?"

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 Post subject: Re: Star of the Indu
PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 3:52 pm 
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"Yes and yes." Kayla contemplated the small object. "I don't know if prolonged contact is hazardous, but I felt it should be kept safe."

The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as everything you've ever wished for.

-Tucker Max

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