IC: The Phoenix Part 1
- Knowledgeable Dragon
- Posts: 242
- Joined: Fri Mar 24, 2006 10:10 pm
IC: The Phoenix Part 1
The station promenade was loud and bustling, same as any other day. This was a trade hub, a nexus of supplies to and from Earth. Caesar Station had been built thirty years ago, as a safeguard against an enemy attack that never came. Once it was smaller than it is now, once it had been purely military in nature. But over the years it had received extensive overhauls, and now it resembled this spinning space station that it was now. A kilometer in diameter, and four kilometers long, this station was mostly cylindrical. Laser and Gauss turrets dotted the structure in case of attack, though laziness would show that this place had never come under attack before. As Aurelius looked at the hull from his bridge, he would see plenty of scrapes where ships had seen close calls. He would soon board the station today, like had been doing for the past two weeks. He'd sit in that damn bar, and get some crew members...
Vaeden sat in the bar in which he had been recruited not but a few days ago. He sat on a stool, his tail swishing back and forth behind him. He wondered if he had made the right choice. The cycron's cybernetic eyes locked onto the full glass in front of him. With a gentle grip he brought the shot glass to his mouth and swallowed the liquid. The alien felt it burn all the way down his throat. With that, Vaeden got up and moved out of the bar to get his things ready, out into the promenade where supplies and cargo rolled across the floor through the masses of people. He made his way towards the ship, this was the day it would take off.
Vaeden sat in the bar in which he had been recruited not but a few days ago. He sat on a stool, his tail swishing back and forth behind him. He wondered if he had made the right choice. The cycron's cybernetic eyes locked onto the full glass in front of him. With a gentle grip he brought the shot glass to his mouth and swallowed the liquid. The alien felt it burn all the way down his throat. With that, Vaeden got up and moved out of the bar to get his things ready, out into the promenade where supplies and cargo rolled across the floor through the masses of people. He made his way towards the ship, this was the day it would take off.
- Master Old Dragon
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Re: IC: The Phoenix Part 1
As he exited, two young women entered and a couple of the more inebriated patrons did double-takes as they passed, looking at their glasses questioningly and wondering what the bar-tender had slipped them. There was too much commotion though, for the bartender to pay the odd behavior of a few of his customers any mind. Indeed, he didn't realize what the looks were for until the two girls sat before him at the bar.
At the sound of scraping bar-stools, he turned from his ordering duties and felt his brows rise in surprise- it wasn't often you saw twins anymore. But there they were, two identical, scarlet grins leering at him like cheshire cats, accompanied by two equally dazzling pairs of blue eyes. Indeed, even their garb was the same- both wore white slacks, violet, low-cut shirts, white jackets and boots- and they both had a mischievous air.
But call him crazy, the bartender felt a more devious vibe from the one on the right. Perhaps it was the fact that her hair- let down, unlike her sister's tightly braided rope- was free, allowed to spill in a river of waves over her shoulders. Or maybe it was the way that her smirk turned up just a little more on side than another. That, along with the wrench that hung at her side told him that she was unusual to say the least.
"Ladies! Always nice to see newcomers, what can I get for two creatures such as yourselves?"
Their voices echoed at the same time and the girls' porcelain features flushed a brilliant shade of red over their pointed features. After a second, though, the effect was quite gone and they sat back, happily enjoying their drinks and discussing everything from the various men in the bar, to their favorite bartender- turns out they knew Sambrose, so they weren't new afetr all- to the more serious matters of the day.
"So what're you gonna do next, Mia?" the one on the right asked her sister, her tone suddenly serious.
"I don't know, Cara," the other said, "I guess we'll just have to wait and see what comes my way. The council said I was free to pursue whichever recourse I wish in my next assignment."
"Cara" nodded and continued sipping her stout as she looked around, though her fingers constantly twiddled with a small piece of machinery of some sort, as though that would calm her somewhat. And then he noted that one her person, there was a plethora of little pockets and bags, each holding God-only-knew-what in addition to the small tool-belt round her waist.
The two sat back, content for the moment to enjoy their time off and together in the bar.
At the sound of scraping bar-stools, he turned from his ordering duties and felt his brows rise in surprise- it wasn't often you saw twins anymore. But there they were, two identical, scarlet grins leering at him like cheshire cats, accompanied by two equally dazzling pairs of blue eyes. Indeed, even their garb was the same- both wore white slacks, violet, low-cut shirts, white jackets and boots- and they both had a mischievous air.
But call him crazy, the bartender felt a more devious vibe from the one on the right. Perhaps it was the fact that her hair- let down, unlike her sister's tightly braided rope- was free, allowed to spill in a river of waves over her shoulders. Or maybe it was the way that her smirk turned up just a little more on side than another. That, along with the wrench that hung at her side told him that she was unusual to say the least.
"Ladies! Always nice to see newcomers, what can I get for two creatures such as yourselves?"
Their voices echoed at the same time and the girls' porcelain features flushed a brilliant shade of red over their pointed features. After a second, though, the effect was quite gone and they sat back, happily enjoying their drinks and discussing everything from the various men in the bar, to their favorite bartender- turns out they knew Sambrose, so they weren't new afetr all- to the more serious matters of the day.
"So what're you gonna do next, Mia?" the one on the right asked her sister, her tone suddenly serious.
"I don't know, Cara," the other said, "I guess we'll just have to wait and see what comes my way. The council said I was free to pursue whichever recourse I wish in my next assignment."
"Cara" nodded and continued sipping her stout as she looked around, though her fingers constantly twiddled with a small piece of machinery of some sort, as though that would calm her somewhat. And then he noted that one her person, there was a plethora of little pockets and bags, each holding God-only-knew-what in addition to the small tool-belt round her waist.
The two sat back, content for the moment to enjoy their time off and together in the bar.
- Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
- Posts: 1101
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- Location: Somewhere between reality and someplace really deep in the depths of fantasy and not coming out
Re: IC: The Phoenix Part 1
Walking down the street musing about where to dine next and mentally checking off all the places he had got kicked out of because he ate too much... even though they were buffets, Tirzern overheard a couple of humans talking about a recruiter for a new ship. "Yeah I heard there was a recruiter looking for people to be part of his crew" "I heard about that as well, if only i were a younger lad I would take up that offer of travel and pay. I heard as well that as long as your part of the crew they'll take care of expenses such as food." Hearing this Tirzern's ears perked up with interest "Where might this recruiter be good sirs." Tirzern asked
"Why I believe you can find him at the Drunken Dragon just down the street." The first said with a little bit of surprise at seeing a Rekathian around this place.
As soon as he had told Tirzern the location Tirzern was off trotting along with his tail twitching in eager anticipation.
Just down the street Vedis Teglazov was strollin to that very pub after mulling about the decision for the last few days whether or not to join the crew. Muttering to himself that he was just going to hear the guy talk and wouldn't join the crew Vedis collided with a blue scaled Rekathian who had been running helter skelter down the street. The Rekathian quickly jumped back to his feet and apologized profusely saying "I'm sorry for running into you I was just so excited I wasn't paying attention" the Rekathian said with his ears tilted backward in a conciliatory manner. "Ah don't be I wasn't paying too much attention myself, nobodies harmed so it doesn't matter too much." Looking up he saw he was at the Drunken Dragon so he told the Rekathian "Well it was nice... running into you but I must take my leave." and proceeded to walk into the Drunken Dragon... followed by the Rekathian... who promptly shouted "Who was looking for some crew for a ship of theirs."
"Why I believe you can find him at the Drunken Dragon just down the street." The first said with a little bit of surprise at seeing a Rekathian around this place.
As soon as he had told Tirzern the location Tirzern was off trotting along with his tail twitching in eager anticipation.
Just down the street Vedis Teglazov was strollin to that very pub after mulling about the decision for the last few days whether or not to join the crew. Muttering to himself that he was just going to hear the guy talk and wouldn't join the crew Vedis collided with a blue scaled Rekathian who had been running helter skelter down the street. The Rekathian quickly jumped back to his feet and apologized profusely saying "I'm sorry for running into you I was just so excited I wasn't paying attention" the Rekathian said with his ears tilted backward in a conciliatory manner. "Ah don't be I wasn't paying too much attention myself, nobodies harmed so it doesn't matter too much." Looking up he saw he was at the Drunken Dragon so he told the Rekathian "Well it was nice... running into you but I must take my leave." and proceeded to walk into the Drunken Dragon... followed by the Rekathian... who promptly shouted "Who was looking for some crew for a ship of theirs."
May you never feel a Forgotten Dragon's Ire I miei Amici.

- Knowledgeable Dragon
- Posts: 242
- Joined: Fri Mar 24, 2006 10:10 pm
Re: IC: The Phoenix Part 1
Aurelius walked down the promenade, this section of the station turning left never endingly, yet the turn was gracefully put into the design. The station was so large, one could hardly notice the turn at all, considering the number of people gathered inside the station. Aurelius somehow exuded an aura to repel those around him, as those who saw his blue uniform with red stripes, and the pins immediately veered around him. He had a short beard and mustache, a distinguishing feature on the weathered face of this middle aged captain. At his hip, slung low and in easy reach of his right hand, was his gun holster, in it was the hand cannon he was so fond of, a .50 caliber gauss pistol. A weapon that would be handy in any kind of fight on this station. The human captain soon saw the sign for the 'Drunken Dragon' and then the doorway. He walked in after a large beast, and heard it yell.
"Who was looking for some crew for a ship of theirs.”
Aurelius walked past the Rekathian, moving towards the table he had rented for recruiting purposes. However he turned around and looked at the Rekathian, and then at the Dracon it was traveling with. He gave the Dracon a menacing scowl before answering.
“That would be me.” He said, and moved to sit down at his table, dropping a pile of unsigned contracts on the table. 'Best get to work with this...' He thought to himself, and he sat back in the chair and waited for those who wanted to join to come to him.
"Who was looking for some crew for a ship of theirs.”
Aurelius walked past the Rekathian, moving towards the table he had rented for recruiting purposes. However he turned around and looked at the Rekathian, and then at the Dracon it was traveling with. He gave the Dracon a menacing scowl before answering.
“That would be me.” He said, and moved to sit down at his table, dropping a pile of unsigned contracts on the table. 'Best get to work with this...' He thought to himself, and he sat back in the chair and waited for those who wanted to join to come to him.
- Master Old Dragon
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Re: IC: The Phoenix Part 1
Cara and Mia watched with interest as Aurelius entered and took a seat. Mia in particular noted the blank contracts on the table and although she could not see the wording scrawled across the forms, she got the feeling that they were thorough to say the least- this man didn't seem like the type to cut corners. Needless to say, while she had the patience to sift through it, she knew that Cara would not. It was a miracle in and of itself that she had managed to pull the mechanic away from her endless tinkering and already the woman was toying with a small Allen wrench. It snaked its way through her long fingers with ease, moving from tip to tip and back again. Admittedly, Mia had had to ply her with promises of beer just to get her out of the workshop, so it was no surprise that the workaholic eccentric wanted to get back. And so with a sigh, she resolved herself to handling this seeming invitation herself.
Cara saw the flames erupt in her sister's azure stare, the hungry way that she looked at the forms, and she knew that she would need a head start on packing up her shop. Mia was the one with the telepathic psionics, but Cara knew her sister, and she didn't need to read her mind to know what was going on in the woman's skull. Mia was leaving, if he'd have her, and where Mia went, Cara was determined to follow.
And so, confident in her sister's ability to finagle her way through the official process of signing up, got up and said simply that she'd pack up. With that, she sauntered out of the bar. Mia followed her as far as the table, where she stopped and picked up a contract to look it over. Thankfully, she knew the ins and outs of legal language, and although this was simple enough to understand, she wanted to be sure that she didn't miss anything. "My sister is currently engaged in getting some things situated, but she is interested in signing up," she said, while still scanning the document. "Truth be told, she's one of the best mechanics on this station." Bright, sapphire depths boldly looked him in the eye as she finished reading, "And I'm an accomplished diplomat and linguist. We're both psionics and we're both bored out of our minds here."
Elsewhere, Cara had reached her shop and entered through the ever-unlocked back door. Mia had warned her on numerous occasions about leaving it open, but the woman had little interest in the safety of the matter. If anyone broke in, she was as confident in her ability with the gauss pistols that she carried as she was in her psionics. Between them, she stood some chance of defending herself and her work. Besides, the only ones who would want to break into a mechanic's shop were losers trying to steal ideas, and they usually didn't travel armed.
As she entered the shop, though, and flipped on the light-switch, something seemed amiss. The scrap-metal statue that usually stood on the table in the corner was out of place- as though someone had looked at it and then carelessly replaced it. From where she stood, the woman could see a veritable trail of misplaced items, things either accidentally moved with the foot, or brushed with the arm. Either way, as the lop-sided coat on the chair told her, she felt that she was not alone, and she tilted her head to one side and reached for her pistol, only to find it missing- Mia had interrupted her with such urgency that she must have left it behind. All that she had on her was her toolbelt... Without a second thought, her hand gripped a large monkey-wrench that sat in the pistol's place. With it firmly in hand, she continued through the shop until she reached the very back, and the sight of a figure made her start.
Cara held the wrench defensively and it sparked and crackled with blue light as a wave of electricity ran through it (electrokinesis had it advantages), lighting the area. "Can I help you...? she ventured, her blue eyes narrowed as she pointed the charged tool at the intruder. He was tall, with wavy hair and blue eyes like her own that sparked with mischief. As he realized that the figure pointing the tool at him was an equally tall, curvy female, she saw the startled expression become a conniving grin.
Cara saw the flames erupt in her sister's azure stare, the hungry way that she looked at the forms, and she knew that she would need a head start on packing up her shop. Mia was the one with the telepathic psionics, but Cara knew her sister, and she didn't need to read her mind to know what was going on in the woman's skull. Mia was leaving, if he'd have her, and where Mia went, Cara was determined to follow.
And so, confident in her sister's ability to finagle her way through the official process of signing up, got up and said simply that she'd pack up. With that, she sauntered out of the bar. Mia followed her as far as the table, where she stopped and picked up a contract to look it over. Thankfully, she knew the ins and outs of legal language, and although this was simple enough to understand, she wanted to be sure that she didn't miss anything. "My sister is currently engaged in getting some things situated, but she is interested in signing up," she said, while still scanning the document. "Truth be told, she's one of the best mechanics on this station." Bright, sapphire depths boldly looked him in the eye as she finished reading, "And I'm an accomplished diplomat and linguist. We're both psionics and we're both bored out of our minds here."
Elsewhere, Cara had reached her shop and entered through the ever-unlocked back door. Mia had warned her on numerous occasions about leaving it open, but the woman had little interest in the safety of the matter. If anyone broke in, she was as confident in her ability with the gauss pistols that she carried as she was in her psionics. Between them, she stood some chance of defending herself and her work. Besides, the only ones who would want to break into a mechanic's shop were losers trying to steal ideas, and they usually didn't travel armed.
As she entered the shop, though, and flipped on the light-switch, something seemed amiss. The scrap-metal statue that usually stood on the table in the corner was out of place- as though someone had looked at it and then carelessly replaced it. From where she stood, the woman could see a veritable trail of misplaced items, things either accidentally moved with the foot, or brushed with the arm. Either way, as the lop-sided coat on the chair told her, she felt that she was not alone, and she tilted her head to one side and reached for her pistol, only to find it missing- Mia had interrupted her with such urgency that she must have left it behind. All that she had on her was her toolbelt... Without a second thought, her hand gripped a large monkey-wrench that sat in the pistol's place. With it firmly in hand, she continued through the shop until she reached the very back, and the sight of a figure made her start.
Cara held the wrench defensively and it sparked and crackled with blue light as a wave of electricity ran through it (electrokinesis had it advantages), lighting the area. "Can I help you...? she ventured, her blue eyes narrowed as she pointed the charged tool at the intruder. He was tall, with wavy hair and blue eyes like her own that sparked with mischief. As he realized that the figure pointing the tool at him was an equally tall, curvy female, she saw the startled expression become a conniving grin.
- Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
- Posts: 1101
- Joined: Sun Nov 15, 2009 4:18 pm
- Location: Somewhere between reality and someplace really deep in the depths of fantasy and not coming out
Re: IC: The Phoenix Part 1
As soon as the man had sat down and said that he was the one looking for crew Tirzen's ears started to twitch madly in excitement. With a glance over at the Dracon beside him he asked "Are you planning on joining the crew as well?"
With a look that was puzzling to the Rekathian the Dracon replied "I don't know." and then proceeded over to the bar to order a drink.
Shrugging Tirzen decided he shouldn't waste anymore time and proceeded over to the man who was passing out sign up sheets. "Hello I'm Tirzen Kelrac" He said as he picked up a pamphlet standing beside the human twin who was earnestly reading the contracts. Tirzen quickly scanned the contract form with his six eyes and thought to himself everything seemed to be in order and then he found a passage stating "7.Food will be provided by the Captain of the ship, and restocked if needed at the next stop." with those words Tirzen's eyes seemed to glaze over for a few seconds and he immediately signed his name at the bottom. Upon receiving it he sat down a few seats from the Dracon and ordered three full meals and awaited them to be delivered to him.
Meanwhile Vedis Treglazov had sat down at the bar mulling over his drink. Do I want to join the crew? The Rekathian seems like he'd be a nice companion but I am not sure I like the contractor... Vedis thought. As was his wont Vedis concluded Alright if I see a few more recruits today that interest me I will join...
With a look that was puzzling to the Rekathian the Dracon replied "I don't know." and then proceeded over to the bar to order a drink.
Shrugging Tirzen decided he shouldn't waste anymore time and proceeded over to the man who was passing out sign up sheets. "Hello I'm Tirzen Kelrac" He said as he picked up a pamphlet standing beside the human twin who was earnestly reading the contracts. Tirzen quickly scanned the contract form with his six eyes and thought to himself everything seemed to be in order and then he found a passage stating "7.Food will be provided by the Captain of the ship, and restocked if needed at the next stop." with those words Tirzen's eyes seemed to glaze over for a few seconds and he immediately signed his name at the bottom. Upon receiving it he sat down a few seats from the Dracon and ordered three full meals and awaited them to be delivered to him.
Meanwhile Vedis Treglazov had sat down at the bar mulling over his drink. Do I want to join the crew? The Rekathian seems like he'd be a nice companion but I am not sure I like the contractor... Vedis thought. As was his wont Vedis concluded Alright if I see a few more recruits today that interest me I will join...
Last edited by Forgotten Dragon's Ire on Sun Jul 18, 2010 6:25 am, edited 2 times in total.
May you never feel a Forgotten Dragon's Ire I miei Amici.

- Master Old Dragon
- Posts: 286
- Joined: Wed Dec 30, 2009 10:42 pm
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Re: IC: The Phoenix Part 1
The two of them sat at the bar, brooding over their own worries, and all the while, they could hear the tall, leggy diplomat's conversation with the trip organizer. Without hesitation, Mia bombarded Aurelius with questions, one rapid-firing right after another. Where were they going? What would they be expected to furnish? What kind of law would they be following- interstellar or personal protocol? Each answer that she received inevitably led to another question, but there was no innocent small talk in this discourse. No, this woman was all business, and the onlookers could tell, in her demeanor and her confidence, that this was not the first time she had undertaken such an endeavor. Equally impressive was the knowledge that she presented in terms of her sister's profession as well, making sure that the twin would have an ample workstation, checking on her duties and also, curiously, wondering aloud whether "personal pursuits" in terms of invention and/or ingenuity would be allowed. (In other words, would her sister be free to experiment and tinker?) It was a thorough list of inquiries, and many of the men in bar raised their brows in incredulous admiration for the formidable female. Indeed, she seemed to know more about interstellar law than the lot of them combined, and her appreciation for the adventure and planning of such a trip as this one was duly noted.
And yet, to a certain extent, a few got the feeling that she was toying with the gentleman- feeling him out so to speak. Every now and again, a surprising, unexpected question would escape those pretty, pouted lips- one inquiring about his view on non-human interactions, for example, raised a few eyebrows. At the same time, a few couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of this waifish form of a girl tackling the endeavor so completely that it almost seemed she was the one interviewing him for the job. And while every now and again a frown marred her fair features when he answered- the alien question, for example- for the most part, she maintained an unreadable smirk that broadened into a small grin by the time she was finished.
After a few more minutes, Mia seemed satisfied, and with a small nod, signed the forms for herself and then initialed the ones for her sister, after assuring Aurelius that Cara would, indeed sign them as soon as she returned. Then, with a satisfied smile she turned on her heel and headed for the bar to grab one last glass of wine before she too headed off to gather her things. The woman tossed her long hair over her shoulder as she took a seat a few feet down from the Rekathian and Dracon and dialed her employers. Judging from her end of the conversation, they were actually quite happy with her choice of positions and asked only that she report back to them in a timely manner.
That being done, Mia contentedly enjoyed what she was sure would be her last good bit of alcohol for a while, and silently celebrated her opportunity to get the hell off the station.
And yet, to a certain extent, a few got the feeling that she was toying with the gentleman- feeling him out so to speak. Every now and again, a surprising, unexpected question would escape those pretty, pouted lips- one inquiring about his view on non-human interactions, for example, raised a few eyebrows. At the same time, a few couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of this waifish form of a girl tackling the endeavor so completely that it almost seemed she was the one interviewing him for the job. And while every now and again a frown marred her fair features when he answered- the alien question, for example- for the most part, she maintained an unreadable smirk that broadened into a small grin by the time she was finished.
After a few more minutes, Mia seemed satisfied, and with a small nod, signed the forms for herself and then initialed the ones for her sister, after assuring Aurelius that Cara would, indeed sign them as soon as she returned. Then, with a satisfied smile she turned on her heel and headed for the bar to grab one last glass of wine before she too headed off to gather her things. The woman tossed her long hair over her shoulder as she took a seat a few feet down from the Rekathian and Dracon and dialed her employers. Judging from her end of the conversation, they were actually quite happy with her choice of positions and asked only that she report back to them in a timely manner.
That being done, Mia contentedly enjoyed what she was sure would be her last good bit of alcohol for a while, and silently celebrated her opportunity to get the hell off the station.
- Knowledgeable Dragon
- Posts: 242
- Joined: Fri Mar 24, 2006 10:10 pm
Re: IC: The Phoenix Part 1
Even sitting, Aurelius was an imposing figure. His Gauss pistol hung low in the holster, like the cowboys of the old west. His uniform was immaculately clean, the red stripes along his shoulders and the gold trim along the flap and cuffs signified him as a captain, albeit a 'retired' captain of the TAC military. On his left chest were a couple rows of medals and ribbons, some of them were from the time he spent as a marine, others were from the time he was commanding his own ship. His eyes, including his cybernetic eye watched as the Dracon walked over to the bar. Memories went through his mind, memories of what the Dracon of the Imperium had done to colonists... and what he had done to those Dracon. He almost didn't realize the Rekathian had approached his table, and finally realized he had been grinning as memories flashed by.
Aurelius looked up at the Rekathian, “Hello, what your-” He began but was cut off by the Rekathian. “Hello, I'm Tirzen Kelrac.”
He studied the Rekathian for a time, and questioned the creature's motives for joining his crew. His eyes scanned over the alien, and his robotic eye saw traces of food on the alien. It was just a hunch, but he thought the alien might be a glutton. Either way it didn't matter.
“What are your skills?” Aurelius asked.
“Cooking.” The alien replied.
He slid a paper to the alien, it was the contract. The contract was kept short, and to the point. It stated the rights of the crew, and what was to be expected of them. This is what it read...
“By agreeing to these terms, you will registered as a crew member of the Phoenix. Everyone, including the captain is obligated to follow these rules of service and conduct to the letter.
1.Orders given by the captain are final.
2.Questioning of orders will be duly noted.
3.In the event of pirates boarding the ship, you are not allowed to surrender.
4.Fight for every inch of the ship, this corresponds with rule number 3.
5.No smoking, may cause catastrophic failure.
6.Each crew member will receive a fair pay.
7.Food will be provided by the Captain of the ship, and restocked if needed at the next stop.
8.Crew members with special needs, such as larger rooms, workspace, etc. will be accommodated.
-------------------------------- Sign here, by signing this, you are agreeing to the RoSC(Rules of Service and Conduct) Until the end of the trade route, contracts may be renewed or edited after each trade route.”
He watched the Rekathian sign the paper. Aurelius extended his hand and shook the Rekathian's hand. “Welcome aboard. Be ready to leave by the end of today.”
With that he watched as the Rekathian left the table, and a human walk up to him. And went through the same process with her.... She would have found he was a bit racist towards Dracon, but not to the point that he wouldn't let one serve on the crew.
Vaeden was just coming back from the ship, making sure his Heavy Fighter was ready to go in the ship's hangar. He wore his armor currently, with his Ion Rifle attached to his back, and his pistol placed on his right thigh. No holster held his weapons in place, some sort of magnetic force kept them in place. His silvery-white, almost bleached scales were an instant give away to his race in this room that was full of humans. As he entered the tavern, he didn't stop to looked around, making his way to the bar and sitting down next to a Dracon.
“English Ale.” He said to the bartender, before looking over to the Dracon. “Do you plan on joining the crew?”
The bartender gave him a glass mug of ale, which the Cycron took a drink of it. He payed with a credit stick that he pulled out of his armor's left bracer, and once it was handed back... it was absorbed into the armor, instead of being slid into a compartment.
Aurelius looked up at the Rekathian, “Hello, what your-” He began but was cut off by the Rekathian. “Hello, I'm Tirzen Kelrac.”
He studied the Rekathian for a time, and questioned the creature's motives for joining his crew. His eyes scanned over the alien, and his robotic eye saw traces of food on the alien. It was just a hunch, but he thought the alien might be a glutton. Either way it didn't matter.
“What are your skills?” Aurelius asked.
“Cooking.” The alien replied.
He slid a paper to the alien, it was the contract. The contract was kept short, and to the point. It stated the rights of the crew, and what was to be expected of them. This is what it read...
“By agreeing to these terms, you will registered as a crew member of the Phoenix. Everyone, including the captain is obligated to follow these rules of service and conduct to the letter.
1.Orders given by the captain are final.
2.Questioning of orders will be duly noted.
3.In the event of pirates boarding the ship, you are not allowed to surrender.
4.Fight for every inch of the ship, this corresponds with rule number 3.
5.No smoking, may cause catastrophic failure.
6.Each crew member will receive a fair pay.
7.Food will be provided by the Captain of the ship, and restocked if needed at the next stop.
8.Crew members with special needs, such as larger rooms, workspace, etc. will be accommodated.
-------------------------------- Sign here, by signing this, you are agreeing to the RoSC(Rules of Service and Conduct) Until the end of the trade route, contracts may be renewed or edited after each trade route.”
He watched the Rekathian sign the paper. Aurelius extended his hand and shook the Rekathian's hand. “Welcome aboard. Be ready to leave by the end of today.”
With that he watched as the Rekathian left the table, and a human walk up to him. And went through the same process with her.... She would have found he was a bit racist towards Dracon, but not to the point that he wouldn't let one serve on the crew.
Vaeden was just coming back from the ship, making sure his Heavy Fighter was ready to go in the ship's hangar. He wore his armor currently, with his Ion Rifle attached to his back, and his pistol placed on his right thigh. No holster held his weapons in place, some sort of magnetic force kept them in place. His silvery-white, almost bleached scales were an instant give away to his race in this room that was full of humans. As he entered the tavern, he didn't stop to looked around, making his way to the bar and sitting down next to a Dracon.
“English Ale.” He said to the bartender, before looking over to the Dracon. “Do you plan on joining the crew?”
The bartender gave him a glass mug of ale, which the Cycron took a drink of it. He payed with a credit stick that he pulled out of his armor's left bracer, and once it was handed back... it was absorbed into the armor, instead of being slid into a compartment.
- Avatar of Elements
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- Joined: Sat Jan 16, 2010 12:31 pm
- Location: Somewhere over the river and through the trees he is hunting the big bad wolf with a table knife.
Re: IC: The Phoenix Part 1
“Dat’s a rater impressive trick ya got daer. Might I ask whereabouts you came by such a spectacular skill? I imagine id holds limitless possibilities.” The stranger said squinting his eyes against the not really bright but newly introduced light.
“Uh.” The man standing before Cara was as a play on himself. His Cajun accent and smooth demeanor, were completely tantamount to his casual, worked in, almost worn out clothes. Then she realized why they looked familiar. “Hey! Those are my work clothes. What the h--- are you doing with them on, and what the h--- are you doing in my shop?”
“Oh, so dis place is yours cher? Its quite da gem, just as I imagine you are. I love your artwork. Many a toys you have here to play wit, makes me want to stick around and learn all of your, nuances.”
The way he emphasized the word “nuances” caused a sliver of alarm to run through Cara but the overall flattery and the rhythm of his speech was causing her to relax in his presence. “Um, thank you I guess. You can’t stay here though; I need to set the shop up so I can sell it. I’m leaving the station.” Despite how smooth and sly he was trying to be Cara caught the excited glint in his eyes as they ran over her figure.
“Really? Den tings may be looking up for da bote of us. I am so sorry, I completely forgot to introduce myself. I am James Dalton Malaki.” And with that he executed a deep formal bow.
“I.. I’m Cara.” She wasn’t sure if she should alarmed or impressed by this man James. Ya he may have broken into her shop and stolen her clothes, but then again he didn’t actually “break” in, and nothing else is missing. He may have a very good reason to be here. And then the name clicked. “Malaki! You’re the crook the station guards are screaming for.” She said backing away and holding the wrench in a bit higher and more defensive manner.
“Don believe everyting you hear cher. Daer be two sides to every coin.” He said as a large and thick gold coin danced acrossed his knuckles passing from one hand to the next. “Maybe we can come to an arrangement yes? A liddle prophet never hurt no one. Daer must be sumptin ya want dat I can give ya. Maybe even, I might be able to go wit yas wen ya leave da station hmmm? And who knows, one day dat skill of yours, maybe you teach id to me?”
“Uh.” The man standing before Cara was as a play on himself. His Cajun accent and smooth demeanor, were completely tantamount to his casual, worked in, almost worn out clothes. Then she realized why they looked familiar. “Hey! Those are my work clothes. What the h--- are you doing with them on, and what the h--- are you doing in my shop?”
“Oh, so dis place is yours cher? Its quite da gem, just as I imagine you are. I love your artwork. Many a toys you have here to play wit, makes me want to stick around and learn all of your, nuances.”
The way he emphasized the word “nuances” caused a sliver of alarm to run through Cara but the overall flattery and the rhythm of his speech was causing her to relax in his presence. “Um, thank you I guess. You can’t stay here though; I need to set the shop up so I can sell it. I’m leaving the station.” Despite how smooth and sly he was trying to be Cara caught the excited glint in his eyes as they ran over her figure.
“Really? Den tings may be looking up for da bote of us. I am so sorry, I completely forgot to introduce myself. I am James Dalton Malaki.” And with that he executed a deep formal bow.
“I.. I’m Cara.” She wasn’t sure if she should alarmed or impressed by this man James. Ya he may have broken into her shop and stolen her clothes, but then again he didn’t actually “break” in, and nothing else is missing. He may have a very good reason to be here. And then the name clicked. “Malaki! You’re the crook the station guards are screaming for.” She said backing away and holding the wrench in a bit higher and more defensive manner.
“Don believe everyting you hear cher. Daer be two sides to every coin.” He said as a large and thick gold coin danced acrossed his knuckles passing from one hand to the next. “Maybe we can come to an arrangement yes? A liddle prophet never hurt no one. Daer must be sumptin ya want dat I can give ya. Maybe even, I might be able to go wit yas wen ya leave da station hmmm? And who knows, one day dat skill of yours, maybe you teach id to me?”

- Master Old Dragon
- Posts: 286
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Re: IC: The Phoenix Part 1
Cara looked to her left at her workbench, strewn with every tool imaginable and moved towards it, casually tossing her wrench into the pile with a clang. Slowly, her alarm was beginning to melt to the same steely resolve that her sister was so known for. In Cara, however, it simply exuded an air of confidence- unlike the aggressive, take-no-prisoners way in which it caused her sister to act. And thus, she DID take her eyes off of James for a minute or so before gripping the gauss pistol that she had found lying amongst her belongings. Although she did not point it, it was enough for the moment that she had it at all. With a wry grin, she motioned with it towards an open doorway. "Before I teach you ANYTHING, we're going to get you out of my best jumpsuit, and you're going to describe the other side of this coin to me," she mused.
And then, aware of how that may have sounded, the mechanic quickly corrected herself. "Out of that and into something else, I mean." She led him into a side room, that he was surprised to find, was NOT covered in a thin layer of dirt and grime. This actually was beautifully decorated, with rich tones of burnt orange, black, and gold. A tapestry hung on the far wall, swirling vines and flowers of black covering a light field. Beneath it sat a lovely bed, sheets dressed in black, dotted here and there with a twisted copper design. Past these she went, and straight to a dresser in the corner, and into the bottom drawer where he was surprised to find a few pairs of too-large jeans, t-shirts and the like. In response to his raised brow and mischievous grin, she sighed and with her own, said simply, "I enjoy my days off out of this frilly stuff." An elegant hand motioned to her white capris, jacket, and fitted shirt. "So, if someone happens to leave something here... I keep it."
Cara was saved when something tweeted at her a moment later. When she reached into her pocket and pulled out a small communicator, she saw that it was Mia. "Excuse me," she said, ducking just around the corner. She could still see him to a certain extent, and she made sure that he knew that while she talked to her sister.
"Hey, where are you?" her twin asked, almost nonchalantly.
"At the shop. Getting a few things and trying to figure out how to close up while we're gone."
"Aw, don't close up for good! You love that shop! And besides, you'll never be able to sell it in time anyway. Just close up and LOCK UP after you get what you need and then you can start fresh when we get back."
There was a pause on Cara's end and Mia was unsure what was really going on. "Cara? Cara...? Cara!"
Cara had been keeping an eye on her guest, her free hand still gripping the gauss pistol, and spaced out on the phone conversation entirely. At Mia's cry, the woman jumped and turned back to her sister's image. "Yeah, grab my stuff and lock up. I'll meet up with you later. Just call me." And with that, she ducked back around the corner to get her toolbag and a duffel.
When she returned, James was dressed, her jumpsuit lying on the bed in a crumpled heap. With a crackling blue light, she set the pistol down on the dresser, just as a warning that even disarmed, she was still a potent force to reckon with. With that, she rolled the jumpsuit into a ball and stuffed it in the duffel bag. After that, she began pulling clothes from the dresser and filling the duffel bag, and once that was done, she moved on to the various items around the room, placing them in the toolbag. "So, you still have to fill me in there, Casanova," she reminded with a small smirk.
And then, aware of how that may have sounded, the mechanic quickly corrected herself. "Out of that and into something else, I mean." She led him into a side room, that he was surprised to find, was NOT covered in a thin layer of dirt and grime. This actually was beautifully decorated, with rich tones of burnt orange, black, and gold. A tapestry hung on the far wall, swirling vines and flowers of black covering a light field. Beneath it sat a lovely bed, sheets dressed in black, dotted here and there with a twisted copper design. Past these she went, and straight to a dresser in the corner, and into the bottom drawer where he was surprised to find a few pairs of too-large jeans, t-shirts and the like. In response to his raised brow and mischievous grin, she sighed and with her own, said simply, "I enjoy my days off out of this frilly stuff." An elegant hand motioned to her white capris, jacket, and fitted shirt. "So, if someone happens to leave something here... I keep it."
Cara was saved when something tweeted at her a moment later. When she reached into her pocket and pulled out a small communicator, she saw that it was Mia. "Excuse me," she said, ducking just around the corner. She could still see him to a certain extent, and she made sure that he knew that while she talked to her sister.
"Hey, where are you?" her twin asked, almost nonchalantly.
"At the shop. Getting a few things and trying to figure out how to close up while we're gone."
"Aw, don't close up for good! You love that shop! And besides, you'll never be able to sell it in time anyway. Just close up and LOCK UP after you get what you need and then you can start fresh when we get back."
There was a pause on Cara's end and Mia was unsure what was really going on. "Cara? Cara...? Cara!"
Cara had been keeping an eye on her guest, her free hand still gripping the gauss pistol, and spaced out on the phone conversation entirely. At Mia's cry, the woman jumped and turned back to her sister's image. "Yeah, grab my stuff and lock up. I'll meet up with you later. Just call me." And with that, she ducked back around the corner to get her toolbag and a duffel.
When she returned, James was dressed, her jumpsuit lying on the bed in a crumpled heap. With a crackling blue light, she set the pistol down on the dresser, just as a warning that even disarmed, she was still a potent force to reckon with. With that, she rolled the jumpsuit into a ball and stuffed it in the duffel bag. After that, she began pulling clothes from the dresser and filling the duffel bag, and once that was done, she moved on to the various items around the room, placing them in the toolbag. "So, you still have to fill me in there, Casanova," she reminded with a small smirk.
- Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
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- Location: Somewhere between reality and someplace really deep in the depths of fantasy and not coming out
Re: IC: The Phoenix Part 1
As the Cycron sat down beside him Vedis quickly looked him over and decided by his demeanor and the armor that he wore that he was a fellow warrior. Being able to judge people came second nature to him after years of mercenary work followed by his years in the militia. "I assume that you are part of the crew already, neighbor. I've been contemplating joining myself but I haven't quite decided yet. My names Vedis Treglazov and what is yours neighbor?"
Meanwhile a few seats down Tirzen was busy finishing the last of the three meals he had ordered. The bartender was in shock at the sheer amount of food the Rekathian had consumed in minutes. After eating the last morsels Tirzen sighed contentedly... and then moments later looked on his plate to see if he had missed any. After a moments consideration he decided he had eaten everything on it. With a glance to his right he saw that the Dracon was engaged in converse with the Cycron beside him. And on his left he saw one of the twins enjoying some wine. His four nostrils slightly flared open as he sniffed the air and he could tell that she was drinking Riesling a rather aromatic vintage in his opinion. He then slid off his feet and approached Mia and said "Hello hows the wine, that's Riesling if my nose doesn't deceive me."
Meanwhile a few seats down Tirzen was busy finishing the last of the three meals he had ordered. The bartender was in shock at the sheer amount of food the Rekathian had consumed in minutes. After eating the last morsels Tirzen sighed contentedly... and then moments later looked on his plate to see if he had missed any. After a moments consideration he decided he had eaten everything on it. With a glance to his right he saw that the Dracon was engaged in converse with the Cycron beside him. And on his left he saw one of the twins enjoying some wine. His four nostrils slightly flared open as he sniffed the air and he could tell that she was drinking Riesling a rather aromatic vintage in his opinion. He then slid off his feet and approached Mia and said "Hello hows the wine, that's Riesling if my nose doesn't deceive me."
May you never feel a Forgotten Dragon's Ire I miei Amici.

- Master Old Dragon
- Posts: 286
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Re: IC: The Phoenix Part 1
Mia had just signed off with Cara and was a little distracted for a moment before she noticed the Rekathian. It was normal for Cara's ADHD to kick in at the worst of times, but what could have drawn her attention so completely when she was alone? All that she had to do was get her things, lock up and head back. There was nothing in that shop that could have distracted her so, unless she had started working on that stupid gun again... The woman shook her head and when she looked up, Tirzen was standing before her. He made a comment about her wine, and the woman took a sip before answering, looking at him over the rim of the glass. Oddly, he got a feeling that there was more to this woman than met the eye, and for a split second, thought he espied a spark in her eye that seemed almost... ethereal. But it was gone a second later, replaced by a knowing grin.
The smallest of smirks played at her lips as she set the glass down on the bar. It made only the slightest clink, and when she turned her head back to him, her long, elegant earrings made the same sound. "That's a very lucky guess. But be honest... you have clue what it really tastes like, do you? At least, perhaps not this year or this vineyard?" Without waiting for him to answer, the woman briskly requested a glass of the bartender, who set it down on the bar beside her. And it was then that Tirzen noticed that she didn't just have a glass, she had an entire bottle!
With a grin, the woman motioned for Tirzen to take a seat beside her as she poured him a glass and sat back in her chair. "You can thank me later," she mused at his surprised expression. "The Morettis are very liberal in our cultivation of fine art- and believe me, this, as in all things cuisine, is an art."
The smallest of smirks played at her lips as she set the glass down on the bar. It made only the slightest clink, and when she turned her head back to him, her long, elegant earrings made the same sound. "That's a very lucky guess. But be honest... you have clue what it really tastes like, do you? At least, perhaps not this year or this vineyard?" Without waiting for him to answer, the woman briskly requested a glass of the bartender, who set it down on the bar beside her. And it was then that Tirzen noticed that she didn't just have a glass, she had an entire bottle!
With a grin, the woman motioned for Tirzen to take a seat beside her as she poured him a glass and sat back in her chair. "You can thank me later," she mused at his surprised expression. "The Morettis are very liberal in our cultivation of fine art- and believe me, this, as in all things cuisine, is an art."
- Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
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- Location: Somewhere between reality and someplace really deep in the depths of fantasy and not coming out
Re: IC: The Phoenix Part 1
With a happy expression displayed by the placement of his ears and an eager glint in his six eyes he took the proffered seat. "Do I detect a note of challenge in your voice lady." With a grin he continued "Very well I accept your challenge." and with that he accepted the glass of wine from her.
With a delicate hand he brought the wine to his four nostrils and gently sniffed the air as he wafted the fragrance with his other hand. And then very cautiously he took a small sip from the glass.
"Well I must say that this particular vintage is from Earth..." He paused again and lightly ran his tongue along the insides of his mouth to savor the taste. "Specifically I think that it is from the eastern side of the Lake Neusiedl from the village of Illmitz in Austria. This Riesling is a type called Trockenbeerenauslese and is intensely sweet although not quite as sweet as a Tokaji Eszencia." with a faint smile he took another drink from the glass and took a moment to consider its taste.
"Now the year is a tad tricky... lets see I would put this vintage in the 2000s closer to the beginning of that century at about..." Here he paused and waved his hand around as if coming to a conclusion. "2010"
With a delicate hand he brought the wine to his four nostrils and gently sniffed the air as he wafted the fragrance with his other hand. And then very cautiously he took a small sip from the glass.
"Well I must say that this particular vintage is from Earth..." He paused again and lightly ran his tongue along the insides of his mouth to savor the taste. "Specifically I think that it is from the eastern side of the Lake Neusiedl from the village of Illmitz in Austria. This Riesling is a type called Trockenbeerenauslese and is intensely sweet although not quite as sweet as a Tokaji Eszencia." with a faint smile he took another drink from the glass and took a moment to consider its taste.
"Now the year is a tad tricky... lets see I would put this vintage in the 2000s closer to the beginning of that century at about..." Here he paused and waved his hand around as if coming to a conclusion. "2010"
May you never feel a Forgotten Dragon's Ire I miei Amici.

- Avatar of Elements
- Posts: 294
- Joined: Sat Jan 16, 2010 12:31 pm
- Location: Somewhere over the river and through the trees he is hunting the big bad wolf with a table knife.
Re: IC: The Phoenix Part 1
James smiled as she set the gun on the dresser “Relak Cher, no need to be so defensive. I wone harm you. You’re dee angle I been searchin for all dees years. Here, let ol’ Jimmie gi you a hand.” Before Cara had time to piece together what he was saying James had a second bag nearly ¾ of the way packed with a lot of her favorite outfits. “So, you still have to fill me in there, Casanova,“ Cara remarked with a sly grin.
“Fill you in on whad? Why de guards are after me? Let me ask you dis Cher, is de true criminal de boy who stole de bread; or is it de king who conscripted his father, forcing him to march off to his death?” as he talked he was stealthily packing in the last of her underwear around what lingerie she had? “Daer now, ya see. Jimmie’s not such da bad guy afterall.” He said a moment later in an almost cry of success as he zipped the bag shut. “He can do good tings too.”
“Helping me pack a bag, which I didn’t ask you to do in the first place, hardly proves your not a criminal.” Cara said flustered and taken aback. “True dat, but id does show dat I am capable of acting honorably. And where daer is honor, daer is goodness. Bud alas, I can see dat I make you nervous Cher; and dat, I don wan. So I tink I should take my leave. Farwell my beautiful angel, we shall meet again.” And before Cara could say anything he was out the door. She puzzled over the curious man for a few moments before something caught her attention and he was forgotten as she returned to preparing her shop for her extended absence.
“Fill you in on whad? Why de guards are after me? Let me ask you dis Cher, is de true criminal de boy who stole de bread; or is it de king who conscripted his father, forcing him to march off to his death?” as he talked he was stealthily packing in the last of her underwear around what lingerie she had? “Daer now, ya see. Jimmie’s not such da bad guy afterall.” He said a moment later in an almost cry of success as he zipped the bag shut. “He can do good tings too.”
“Helping me pack a bag, which I didn’t ask you to do in the first place, hardly proves your not a criminal.” Cara said flustered and taken aback. “True dat, but id does show dat I am capable of acting honorably. And where daer is honor, daer is goodness. Bud alas, I can see dat I make you nervous Cher; and dat, I don wan. So I tink I should take my leave. Farwell my beautiful angel, we shall meet again.” And before Cara could say anything he was out the door. She puzzled over the curious man for a few moments before something caught her attention and he was forgotten as she returned to preparing her shop for her extended absence.

- Knowledgeable Dragon
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Re: IC: The Phoenix Part 1
Vaeden listened to what the Dracon had to say and nodded.
“Yes I'm part of the crew. I think you should join, a Dracon has little to do in on board a Terran space station.” He said and took a swig of ale, feeling the alcohol burn its way down his throat.
On his armor along his waist was a datapad, which he lifted and began tapping his armored claws over its surface. If Vedis cared to look, it was the security manifest for the vessel, he was looking up personnel files, cargo, and destination. They had a few stops, Mars, Alpha Centauri, Procyon and then finally Tau Ceti was the last leg of the trip. It was known that Tau Ceti was a contested system between the TAC and the Draconis Imperium, and was home to the Lazarus Battle-station.
“The crew could use your help, Vedis, I think. It sure couldn't hurt.” He stated. The job would be good money no matter what. Captain Arelius was offering a better pay than any other captain aboard this station. “Well, you best decide quickly about joining, the ship leaves today.” With that, he stood up, drank the rest of his ale and moved over towards the captain.
He spoke with the captain, wondering if he had seen the Dracon yet. He had to point out to the captain the that DCF wasn't the Dracon they were fighting, they were just as much citizens of the Terran Confederation as humans were. With that, Vaeden left with the datapad in hand, presumably towards the ship.
Aurelius grumbled as his security officer left. He couldn't deny that the Cycron was correct in his analysis in his handling of the situation. With another half grumble, half groan, he stood up. He took a contract sheet and walked over to the Dracon. He put it down in front of the alien.
“If you want to join, join then.” He said, he wouldn't apologize. Nor would he ever apologize. This was his way of conceding to others, to do what they wanted him to do, nothing more. On board his ship it would be a different story all together.
“Bartender, two bottles of red wine.” He said, and as the bartender set them down, he paid the price. Fifty credits. “Here's one for the crew, if you decide to join.” He said, placing one of the glass bottles in front of the alien, taking the other and a glass with him to his table.
“Yes I'm part of the crew. I think you should join, a Dracon has little to do in on board a Terran space station.” He said and took a swig of ale, feeling the alcohol burn its way down his throat.
On his armor along his waist was a datapad, which he lifted and began tapping his armored claws over its surface. If Vedis cared to look, it was the security manifest for the vessel, he was looking up personnel files, cargo, and destination. They had a few stops, Mars, Alpha Centauri, Procyon and then finally Tau Ceti was the last leg of the trip. It was known that Tau Ceti was a contested system between the TAC and the Draconis Imperium, and was home to the Lazarus Battle-station.
“The crew could use your help, Vedis, I think. It sure couldn't hurt.” He stated. The job would be good money no matter what. Captain Arelius was offering a better pay than any other captain aboard this station. “Well, you best decide quickly about joining, the ship leaves today.” With that, he stood up, drank the rest of his ale and moved over towards the captain.
He spoke with the captain, wondering if he had seen the Dracon yet. He had to point out to the captain the that DCF wasn't the Dracon they were fighting, they were just as much citizens of the Terran Confederation as humans were. With that, Vaeden left with the datapad in hand, presumably towards the ship.
Aurelius grumbled as his security officer left. He couldn't deny that the Cycron was correct in his analysis in his handling of the situation. With another half grumble, half groan, he stood up. He took a contract sheet and walked over to the Dracon. He put it down in front of the alien.
“If you want to join, join then.” He said, he wouldn't apologize. Nor would he ever apologize. This was his way of conceding to others, to do what they wanted him to do, nothing more. On board his ship it would be a different story all together.
“Bartender, two bottles of red wine.” He said, and as the bartender set them down, he paid the price. Fifty credits. “Here's one for the crew, if you decide to join.” He said, placing one of the glass bottles in front of the alien, taking the other and a glass with him to his table.
- Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
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- Joined: Sun Nov 15, 2009 4:18 pm
- Location: Somewhere between reality and someplace really deep in the depths of fantasy and not coming out
Re: IC: The Phoenix Part 1
Vedis looked down at the contract and a frown momentarily crossed his features. Contemplating momentarily Vedis picked up the bottle of red wine in one hand looked at it for a couple seconds and took a swig of the wine. Nodding appreciatively at the taste he sat the bottle down causing a slight swishing sound to emanate from the bottle. Tapping a button on his wrist pad a pen popped out and into his hand with a slight clicking noise. Twirling the pen around he set the point down on the line and signed his name with a practiced flourish. Standing up he made his way toward Aurelius and laid the contract down upon the table. Glancing into his eyes he gave a slight salute with the bottle in hand and turned about with a crisp movement to make his way out the door.
May you never feel a Forgotten Dragon's Ire I miei Amici.

- Master Old Dragon
- Posts: 286
- Joined: Wed Dec 30, 2009 10:42 pm
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Re: IC: The Phoenix Part 1
Mia followed suit a few minutes later. While she had had a wonderful time with the Rekathian, like Cara she had to get her affairs in order. Having chosen this assignment, she had to make sure that everything was set for her trip, from her paperwork to her baggage- not that she anticipated bringing her entire wardrobe. And so, despite the slightly tipsy feeling that spun in her head, she warmly bid her recent drinking partner farewell, adding that she would see him on board the ship, and headed out, leaving a VERY generous tip for the bartender- Cara would later admonish her for her outrageous "drunk tipping".
And so, she made her way through the station to her own comfortable apartment, a much more upscale affair than Cara's tiny thing. If anything, as she looked around, Mia felt that she had an eye for design, from the modern black-and-glass motif of her living room to the warm, celestial designs of her bedroom. And indeed, this sense of taste reflected itself even in her wardrobe as she packed, each skirt, pant-suit, and blouse carefully chosen to evoke a certain feeling.
When she was satisfied that everything was as it should be, she made one last pass around the house- her buzz having worn off a bit by this time, thanks to a handy little pill that the embassy had afforded her- before heading out the door. Cara heard from her briefly as they arranged a rendezvous point before she ceased communication and simply enjoyed the station, her one bag rolling behind her.
And so, she made her way through the station to her own comfortable apartment, a much more upscale affair than Cara's tiny thing. If anything, as she looked around, Mia felt that she had an eye for design, from the modern black-and-glass motif of her living room to the warm, celestial designs of her bedroom. And indeed, this sense of taste reflected itself even in her wardrobe as she packed, each skirt, pant-suit, and blouse carefully chosen to evoke a certain feeling.
When she was satisfied that everything was as it should be, she made one last pass around the house- her buzz having worn off a bit by this time, thanks to a handy little pill that the embassy had afforded her- before heading out the door. Cara heard from her briefly as they arranged a rendezvous point before she ceased communication and simply enjoyed the station, her one bag rolling behind her.