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I think I've finally realized something...

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 7:30 pm
by Zoanrevived
Hello everyone. Some of you may remember me, but most...not likely. I am an old member of this board, and a well known member of the ezboard forum.

The reason I came to the High Council was to role-play. And I stuck to it for a while when we were still on Ezboard. Then we came here...and I seemed to start disappearing more and more often, each time being longer. Eventually I'll come back and look around, and not post anything, just see what's up with the Council.

Since I "left" this place when we came here, I went to other boards, and rp'ed there for a good while..probably going on 3 years now or so.

What I made this topic for, was more for a ranting purpose, but not entirely. i've realized why I could never seem to stay attached to this place. The Rp section of this board barely has any structure. I know that it's a mean comment, but think about it for alittle bit. There are possibly 20 threads going on at the same time, and they are all in different times, places, dimensions, whatever. Then all of these custom Chara Sheets...There should be some sort of universal Chara Sheet so they can look at people's chara's and know where to look instantly, instead of needing to read the whole profile to find something that might not be till the end, or not there at all.

I want to know people's opinons...

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 9:47 pm
by Jishdefish
I agree, we need several 'Stickies' Where we can tell which Rp's are requesting players and which are in progress... maybe one or two for char placement also.... this place definatly needs something done, and new players recruited...

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 12:21 pm
by Pandora
I remember you! I bet you don't remember me!

Um anywho, I agree, there needs to be some sorta organization going on around here alon wiht a lot more dedication to things.

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 1:47 pm
by Zoanrevived
Yeah, I remember you Pandora. We never had that match of ours, did we?

Beyond that, I'm thinking about coming up with a Universal Character Template, and I got a few ideas about how to organize the actual RP Thread alittle better.

I sent a PM to Tempest, hoping that I might be able to atleast give my suggestions, and have action done about them, whether that means to have like a limited Moderator status, or one of the mod's for the RP forum's do it. As long as something gets done.

But people keep on voting and speaking your voice.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 3:16 am
by vampirehunter42
Ok that sounds like a good idea. I will post something like that.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 3:21 am
by Fyre
that will be good, then we won't have to repost things all the time.
good idea Zoan.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 1:58 pm
by Dragon444
I know I'm relatively new here but this place is steadily becoming something like Gaia, another forum site (worlds largest if i'm right). That place has 6 admins but they barely inforce any rules. You can do practicly anything there. Ther are well over twelve billion forums going on at the same time, and I believe that if we keep going in the direction we're going, we'll end up like them. Our membership will skyrocket, but the place will dissolve away from it's intended purpose.


Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 2:02 pm
by Zoanrevived
ok, here's that Character Sheet I made up, what do you guys think?

((Universal Character Sheet))


Description: ((Include heights, weights, hair/eye colors, clothes, don't skip anything, this is how we see your character, there is never enough put into this section))

((FORMAT: put it like this for every power))
Name: (The name of the power)
Ingredients needed: (What you need to do to use it.)
Effect: (What it does)
Description: (What it looks like before/during/after)

Physical- (Things that would be based around physcial, personal techniquges. It could be martial arts, gained stamina/strength/speed, as long as it is not an effect from another kind of power, like through magic you gain stamina/strength/speed, etc.)

Mental- (Things that would be classified as Physic powers, Mind-Reading, telekensis, etc.)

Magical- (This should be explainitory...Things that would come from spells, weaponry, etc.)

Supernatural- (Anything that doesn't fit in the other 3 catagories)

History: (This tells us what your character has been through in their life. How they gained anything that they have, weapons, powers, being smart, etc.)

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 2:37 pm
by Pandora
shouldn't History and personality be two seperate things?

Maybe it'd be better if you came up with two or three and then let the whole board vote on which one they think is the easiest to go by. Not all Rps require information on special powers and things of that sort. We need to come up witn a universal that covers the basics, and at the same time allows add ons for stuff thats "just" for a paticular Rp. The Host of the Rp would just have to notefie the players of any adittoinal imformation they'd need to give, other wise they could just use the univrsal, and the univirsal who just have the basic imfo.

Well, what do ya think?

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 2:43 pm
by Zoanrevived
Yeah, I could come up with a few different ones, I just wanted a Generic Sheet, one as basic as it could get.

I understand that not all RP's involve powers, but if the RP wouldn't call for that, the Creator of the RP could tell them to exclude the power section of the Chara. Sheet. If they needed more, such as specific planets or something that they had to come from, in order to be part of that RP.

((Changed the description thingy for "History:"))

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 2:11 pm
by Dragon444
You have plenty of good ideas and I'm sure that Tempest will be pleased that you are working for the benefit of the members